Venus Fridays!

Tune into and empower the Divine Feminine inside and out with Venus and the Moon

Watch the video here or click below

We start with the Moon in Capricorn trine Venus in Virgo — earth element flow. How do you listen to your inner wisdom?

Saturday — Moon enters Aquarius and meets with Pluto. How does seeing the bigger picture support your empowerment?

Sunday —Mercury is cazimi the Sun in Leo, squares Uranus AND Venus squares Jupiter. Listen to epiphanies you have. What actions do you need to take to expand?

Monday — Aquarius Full Moon, just after Venus is opposite Saturn. Both the Moon and Sun square Uranus. Jupiter squares Saturn. And the Moon enters Pisces. Big day!

Tuesday — Look for the Moon conjunct Saturn in the night. The Moon is opposite Venus in Virgo.

Wednesday — the Moon enters Pisces — compassion for your feelings.

Thursday — Venus squares Mars and the Sun enters Virgo with Regulus, the royal star that is the Heart of the Lion constellation.

With a trip into free astronomy software to see how this plays out in the actual, real live sky!

Check out this week’s Venus Fridays video, covering all this for you below…

14 minutes

Interested in having an Alchemical Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what is coming up for you.