Venus Fridays!

Tune into and empower the Divine Feminine inside and out with Venus and the Moon

Watch the video here or click below

We start with the Moon entering Taurus and Venus in Virgo, a trine or flowing aspect between our two Feminine planets.

The Moon meets with Uranus on Sunday, before entering Gemini, for some mental and electrical stimulation.

The waning last quarter Moon in Gemini brings and inward reflection of the Moon cycle, but an outward focused sign energy.

On Tuesday, Virgo Venus trines Taurus Uranus — a grounding opportunity. The Moon meets with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, amplifying our mind and feelings. Have a look for this sight in the early morning sky.

Mercury is going Direct on Wednesday. No more retrograde stress! The Moon enters Cancer and Virgo Venus opposes Pisces Neptune.

Finally, on Thursday Venus enters Libra and relationships become the focus for the Feminine.

Check out this week’s Venus Fridays video, covering all this for you below…

16 minutes

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