Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power with Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching 

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Harness astrology to unlock your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

10 minutes

We start this week, of December 23, fresh off the Capricorn Solstice on Saturday and last quarter Moon in Libra yesterday, Sunday. These are two powerful archetypal energies converging to support us this week. First, the Solstice, the stillness of the Sun, as it ends its trip to the Tropic of Capricorn and hangs, suspended, on the horizon, before it begins its swing back to the June Solstice and the Tropic of Cancer. This is the Sun’s new year if you live in the northern hemisphere where the light begins returning. The Sun is reborn into the waxing phase of its cycle. 

If you live in the southern hemisphere, this is the mid-point of the Sun’s yearly cycle, the beginning of the diminishing of the light and the waning part of the Sun’s cycle. Both are equally important and provide this stillness, this internal focus, the pendulum suspended before it gains momentum swinging back to the other extreme. 

The Solstice is the time to set your intentions for the next 6 months. What calls to you to focus your precious energies on until the June Solstice? Write out your vision. I just taught a free Solstice Intention-Setting and astrology class. You can still register to watch the replay. The link is below. 

Add in the last quarter Moon in Libra yesterday and we have the perfect energetic combo package to reflect on your Solstice vision this week. We are in the ending of the Moon’s cycle with the beginning of the Sun’s cycle, or the mid-point if you live south of the equator. 

I invite you to use this unique timing of the Solstice and last quarter Moon to tune into yourself. What are a handful of goals you want to set for this Solstice-to-Solstice time period?

Use that framework to feel into which new Moon intention you want to set for the first new Moon of the year on Monday, the Sun’s year that is, in Capricorn. Again, I cover this in much greater detail in the Solstice class I just taught, so have a look at that to get more guidance. 

Also, I’ve opened my new Moon Sisters Circle group, where I’ll be walking you through my unique AstroLife Method each month, with the weekly phases of the Moon. If you’re sick of feeling stuck and are yearning for change, I invite you to join Moon Sisters Circle where I’ll help you each month to clear out the energy sucks blocking your way, preventing you from realizing your potential — all without having to meditate for an hour every day. 

I’m offering a super special discounted price of only $15 a month or $150 a year for this incredible opportunity to shift out of the disconnection and stagnation you feel by working with my exclusive combo of feminine-based astrology, the cycles of nature, and astrological life coaching to realize your life purpose and step into the life you are meant to live. 

I’d love to see you in the Circle! The discounted price lasts through the Capricorn new Moon next Monday, Dec. 30, where we’ll meet live on Zoom for a special ceremony and teaching to kick off the new year right, empowered and on a new track. This isn’t just about setting new Moon intentions. This is about creating real and lasting change by aligning your actions with the Moon’s rhythms and cycles of the Earth.

The Moon continues moving through Libra today, Monday, activating our relationships, how we see ourselves and our boundaries. It’s the perfect energy to take a little time for yourself, as hard as that can be sometimes. Libra often compromises herself to keep the peace, but right now the higher lesson of Libra, where she focuses on herself to understand herself more truly, is very available right now with the Sun and Moon energies I mentioned before. 

How does the Moon moving through Libra feel for you? How about the Solstice too, with the Sun now in Capricorn? How are you experiencing the seasonal shift? What do you notice in your body? On the land around you? This is how we connect into something larger than ourselves, which alleviates the alienation and isolation we feel.

On Wednesday, Christmas day, the Moon moves into Scorpio. (For some of you it happens late on Tuesday.) I think this is an interesting energy for this often family filled holiday of triggers. For some of us family is our sanctuary, but for others it’s fraught with emotional land mines. The Moon in Scorpio will exacerbate this either way. Scorpio doesn’t do anything half-way. It’s up for the most intense swings either way. The cool part about this Christmas Moon in Scorpio is that it offers you a significant opportunity to become more empowered. This is a great day to say no to taking anymore crap and to say yes to whatever turns you on. I’m not saying this is easy, but the Scorpio alchemist is in your corner.

You don’t even have to take any action, just feel what’s coming to you. Don’t sweep it under the carpet, but really feel it, even just for a few minutes at a time. That alone can start the shift into being honest with ourselves.

On Friday, the Moon enters Sagittarius, and we move from Scorpio’s water into fire. The focus becomes more external again, seeking knowledge and expression. Let whatever came to you while the Moon was in Scorpio inspire your next steps. Explore where those Scorpio emotions want to take you that will help you stand in your truth, seeking more of your true self and potential within. Remember this is all about taking baby steps, so be gentle with yourself. 

Venus squares Uranus on Friday/Saturday as well, so we have the feminine engaging with the planet of change and growth. This energy is here to support you with everything I just mentioned as well. How does your growth, one small step at a time, support you in standing in your feminine power more strongly, not taking any more crap from the patriarchy?

We finish out this week with the Moon entering Capricorn for the Capricorn new Moon next Monday, where we’ll set an intention in service to our Solstice visions. I encourage you to join my Moon Sisters Circle where I’ll teach more about using this special new Moon to uncover your soul purpose and lean into manifesting your vision. Chiron stations direct on Sunday as well and we have the power of healing our wounds that have blocked us from seeing our paths before adding into the mix.

Lastly, I’ll suggest some astro-aromatherapy for those of you who love that. I really love the evergreen trees for this time of year, for Capricorn Solstice and new Moon, for the stillness of the winter beginning here in the northern hemisphere. You choose whichever is your favorite: pine, spruce or fir. Anoint yourself as you craft your Solstice vision and your new Moon intention tomorrow.

Thanks for watching and I wish you an empowered Sacred Feminine week!

Learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.

Interested in a Divine Feminine Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at Venus and how the Divine Feminine is expressed in your astrological chart.


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