Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power with Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Harness astrology to unlock your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

13 minutes


We start this week, of December 16, with the Moon in Cancer, the sign it’s said to have the most resonance with. The sun is moving through the end of Sagittarius — until the solstice this Saturday and we begin a new season, and Venus still moving through Aquarius.

The big astrological event this week is the solstice. The sun enters Capricorn on Sunday and marks the seasonal shift into winter for those of us the northern hemisphere and summer for those of you in the southern hemisphere. This is because the sun is aligned with the Tropic of Capricorn, the furthest south it reaches yearly.

When the Sun enters any of the four cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, we enter a new seasonal cycle: spring, summer, autumn, and winter respectively.

This solstice is the Capricorn solstice, the beginning of winter and the shortest day of light in the northern hemisphere and the longest day of light in the southern hemisphere and the beginning of summer. Hopefully you have a better understanding of how that works from looking at the globe, if you didn’t already know this.

For both of us it is a still point. That’s what solstice means, sun stands still. From the Latin words sol (“sun”) and sistere (“to stand still”). This is the end of the yearly run for the sun. It now changes direction and begins moving back towards the equator for the equinoxes and then onto the tropic of Cancer for the next solstice, the Cancer solstice. The sun has reached the end of its pendulum swing. We are in that moment of stillness before the pendulum begins to swing back again.

It is the start of the new year, the returning of the light, for us in the north. This is why our ancestors celebrated and marked this vitally important day. The rebirth of the light.

For those of you watching in the southern hemisphere, it marks the longest day of light and the start of the waning part of the sun’s cycle, when the days start getting shorter. Another important point in the pendulum swing of the sun’s seasonal cycle, just now it’s the midpoint of the year in the south.

Either hemisphere, the solstice is a powerful time to connect to the seasonal cycle of the sun and set intentions while the sun is changing signs, archetypal energies and seasons.  I’m offering a free Solstice gathering: Soulful Alignment. It’s a Free Solstice Intention-Setting and Astrology Coaching Experience. Join me for a transformative experience to align your intentions with the powerful energies of the solstice. I’ll put the link below where you can sign up for this free offering this Saturday, December 21st . I’m recording it, if you can’t join in live.

Now back to the moon, which is said to be at home in Cancer, where it is today Monday. What do you think about that? Do you feel at home when the Moon is in Cancer? I’ll bet some of you don’t. There can be these “hard and fast” rules in astrology, but truly astrology is such a personal experience. It’s your connection to yourself, the archetypes on your chart and the cosmos and the earth herself. We just learned how the astrology of the sun creates our seasonal experience.

You may feel emotionally triggered while the Moon is in Cancer, not at home at all. Others may feel like the world is finally just right. The key to astrology is cultivating your own relationship and awareness of what the moving planet bodies brings up for you. How it activates your chart, your soul path, your growth and evolution. All you have to do is simply notice, without judgement or “shoulds” and see how you honestly feel.

Tomorrow the Moon enters Leo and will meet with Mars in the latter evening and early morning sky, drawing our attention to the divine masculine, activating the masculine within and around us. Step outside tomorrow night or early Wednesday morning and have a look. It’s always spectacular to see the Moon with a planet in the dark sky. It ignites something primordial within us.

On Wednesday, the Moon continues moving through Leo. Leo gets a bad rap in astrology, as being arrogant, egotistic, self-absorbed. You hear that all the time about Leo. But, the truth is Leo is truly about learning to honor and step into our divine nature, our goddess-ness. An awesome trait that Leo is here to teach us! We are all spirit living within these bodies. Leo is showing us the truth of this sacredness within. With that understanding, we learn to cultivate the love for ourselves that the Goddess has. Leo is beautiful! We need more healthy Leo in our world, so let’s stop shaming Leo. How does the Moon moving through Leo feel to you. Where are you at with your divinity and self-love? These can be challenging feelings, especially for us women.

Also on Wednesday, the Sun is squaring Neptune, just before this important solstice shift. Our light planet is squaring off with our planet that connects us into the heart of spirit, the Goddess herself. Wednesday is a potent day to allow these energies to move through you, opening your heart not only to yourself — Leo, but also to the Goddess — Neptune in Pisces. Just open and allow. You don’t have to do anything else.

On Thursday the Moon moves into Virgo late, early on Friday for some of you. The Moon activates the priestess archetype now. Who is your inner priestess? You’re here tracking the moon and following astrology, so I know you have one. While the Moon traverses Virgo look around for her within you. She’s the one who marvels at the earth and sky. That’s her!

Also, on Thursday, Venus trines Jupiter. The divine feminine is getting an expansive infusion, while she travels through Aquarius. Aquarius is the archetypal energy that helps us to see the bigger picture, offering some space from our daily dramas. While Venus passes through Aquarius, we can get a break from plugging into every emotional issue that arises. This bodes well for traversing the holidays, where Venus will still be in Aquarius and the Sun in Capricorn, the elderly wisdom-keeper archetype.

On Saturday we have the big Capricorn solstice! The sun is at its lowest point in the northern hemisphere and the highest in the southern. I invite you to join my free solstice gathering on Saturday. I’m going to teach about the sacred solstice and tap into this powerful time to set our intentions and visions for the next six months — solstice to solstice. I’ll also teach about the astrological energies, as well as share a little about how to work with the new moon each month to bring our visions into the light. That’s solstice speak!

To end this week, on Sunday we have the last quarter moon, the half-moon in Libra. See how the sun is in Capricorn now, so the last quarter moon is in another cardinal sign: libra the archetype that brings us the equinox. There are powerful alignments as the seasons begin heralding the other seasonal points in the moon cycle.

The last quarter moon is the time to reflect on your previous new moon intention. How has that gone for you over the past 3 weeks? Is there any final micro-action you will take this week to bring it home? Also, the last quarter moon is the time to begin feeling into your next new moon intention coming next week. Do you want to stick with the same theme as this month? Does it need some adjusting? Or are you being called in an entirely new direction?

I’ll be teaching more about how to work with the phases of the moon in cultivating and bringing our Solstice visions into reality at my Capricorn new moon ceremony and gathering on Dec. 30. Stay tuned for more information on that when we get closer to it.

Lastly, I’ll throw out an astro-aromatherapy essential oil for the solstice. I love, love, love Ponderosa Pine for the Capricorn solstice. It’s the ultimate grandmother tree, the custodian over the forest she lives within, often the tallest tree, providing nourishment, guidance and grounding for us all. If you don’t have ponderosa pine specifically, use another pine essence. Or even a spruce of a fir. These ancient trees embody the archetype of Capricorn, the wisdom holders of our forests. There’s a reason they are often the tress we bring indoors to celebrate the holidays or we light outside in our yards and parks.

Enjoy the solstice and I’ll see you for my free solstice gathering on Saturday! Again, the link is below  

Soulful Alignment: Free Solstice Intention-Setting & Astrology Coaching Experience 🌟

December 21 | 3pm MDT | 1 hour | On Zoom

Learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.



Interested in having an Divine Feminine Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what growth opportunities are coming up for you.