Align with Cosmic Cycles to Create a Life of Clarity and Purpose
AstroLife Coaching
Divine Feminine Astrology
Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…
10 minutes
Pisces new moon is happening this week, on Thursday. I like working with the dark of the moon phase energy as a still point, leading us into the beginning of another moon cycle—this time in Pisces. Pisces wants us to show compassion to ourselves, but instead we often judge and criticize ourselves relentlessly. But, when we lean into loving ALL of ourselves, warts and all, we actually feel so much better, which is all Pisces wants for us.
Why are we so hard on ourselves? Sometimes it feels like the inner critic is the only one we’re listening too. You can do a fabulous job at something, totally nailing it, but instead of relishing in the accomplishment, you hyperfocus, obsess even, over the one tiny little mistake in the midst of all the amazingness. Why do we do this?
Are you sick and tired of being so harsh with yourself? Constantly beating yourself up, trying to live up to an impossible societal or self-imposed standard? My fellow perfectionists out there, I know you know exactly what I mean! If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then this Pisces new moon cycle is just for you.
First, let me talk about the new moon for a second. The dark of the moon is when the moon is so close to the sun it’s hidden in the light of the sun, hence being called the dark of the moon time. We can’t see the moon for a couple of days. The moon and the sun are in alignment, amplifying their collective energies. This time in Pisces.
The dark of the moon is a still point alchemically, inviting us to stop and check in with ourselves. Where are we at? What is going on inside of us? We often just keep checking off tasks on our to do lists and we forget to drop in. We might meditate once in the morning, if we’re lucky, and then the rest of the day run around like a chicken with our heads cut off.
Don’t you just feel exhausted thinking about your day? Tuning into the new moon is the antidote. It only needs to take a few minutes, to stop, breathe more deeply and feel your body. In reality we’re more like the chicken head, disconnected from our body’s running around.
The dark of the moon invites quiet, stillness, a momentary internal check in.
What are you feeling? What sensations and emotions are you experiencing right now? No judgement, no trying to fix or change anything, just an honest what’s in there for you?
This can be enough. Seriously, I mean it! We tend to get all high and mighty with these lofty new moon intentions, but they don’t really move the needle. Nothing actually changes. I know! I set new moon intentions for years before I came to life coaching and learned how to actually make change for myself.
I promise, if you were to take this one moment of stillness and build upon that over time, I know things will change for you. Much more than setting esoteric new moon intentions that I know I’ve often completely spaced out on within a week.
If you want to set new moon intentions, of which I’m all for, I invite you to set small, concrete goals that you could actually take measurable action on over the month to create meaningful change in your life.
Working with the moon isn’t about magical thinking and good witches granting your wishes. It’s about dropping into the powerful cycle between the earth, sun and moon in a way that inspires your vision and anchors you into taking meaningful action to create the life you most desire. Which I know firsthand doesn’t include the incessant stress of perfectionism and overwhelming to do lists.
I’ve been uncovering another layer of my perfectionist onion lately. Wow that stuff goes deep! As a little girl I decided the best way to get my mother’s love was to be perfect. I’ve been stressing out ever since. That’s a long time. So, for the past couple of weeks, I’ve been practicing these quick minute drop in’s at least once a day. Wow! I was nearly in a nasty accident last week and as soon as my car stopped spinning, on the edge of this embankment, I immediately dropped in, slowed my breathing and felt into my body. I calmed down shockingly quickly, like I’ve never been able to calm my nervous system down that fast. From a total panic, I’m about to roll my car of this embankment, heart pounding, freak out. It was incredible. Even my Oura ring was blown away!
Pisces, the sign the sun and moon are both in for this month’s meetup, teaches us about feeling our feelings. It’s a water sign that encourages us to float in our emotions, not deny them. Equally important to Pisces is the exploration our inner world, our wounds, our shadow, our hurty feelings. Investigation with compassion and love. Pisces is not judgmental. It’s kind and loving. It understands and embraces our wounds, offering a balm to soothe our hurts. Pisces loves us just the way we are.
How will you work with this Pisces new moon energy to step out of the rat race for a moment, put a boundary up around your to do list, take a moment to simply feel what is actually going on inside that body of yours? Pisces wants you to love yourself, in all aspects of yourself, the good the bad and the ugly. It could care less about the chores you need to get done.
A great starting place is just taking that short moment of check in with yourself.
An honest quick look under the hood. Think of this Pisces new moon as the check engine light coming on. It’s time to turn inward, orienting toward you, taking a moment of your time to just feel you. No one else even needs to know. It’s just your secret with you. Pisces and the moon won’t tell anyone.
For all my astro-aromatherapy lovers, blue chamomile supports us in having more compassion and love for ourselves. She calms our nervous systems and encourages us to be gentle with and kin to ourselves—all very Pisces. Pisces is the healer and so is blue chamomile. Check out the blue Pisces color of the essential oil, that comes from these pretty white flowers.
If you are sick of judging the crap out of yourself and are yearning to step off the hamster wheel, I invite you join us in Moon Sisters Circle, where we learn how to overcome the perfectionism that keeps you pinned down. Learn more below.