Align with Cosmic Cycles to Create a Life of Clarity and Purpose
AstroLife Coaching
Divine Feminine Astrology
Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…
11 minutes
Did you see the crescent moon with Venus the last couple of nights? They met in the sky just hours after Venus went retrograde. When Venus goes retrograde she’s making a move from the evening sky to the morning sky, passing between us on the earth and the sun. At Venus Alchemy, we call this the metamorphic underworld. We are in a powerful alchemical time in the Venus cycle people! And, I am so excited!!
Venus is transforming fast! We are rapidly coming to the end of one 19-month Venus cycle in Leo and quickly moving toward the beginning of another year and a half long Venus cycle, now in Aries and Pisces. I have so much to share, I don’t even know where to begin!
We’ve been in a Venus cycle characterized by Leo for 19 months. Why Leo? Well, that was the astrological sign Venus rose into the morning sky back in August of 2023. This cycle, that’s ending now, has been an initiation into the mysteries of Leo—learning to love our feminine selves more fiercely—not backing down—and tuning into and owning our divinity—our connection to the goddess and the sacred feminine. Wow! What a powerful time this has been for us women! I have definitely felt this shift as we women aren’t taking any crap anymore. We’re here and we’re not going backward.
Now, as Venus begins her retrograde cycle, she is quickly moving back to meet with the sun for the interior conjunction. Like Mercury, Venus can pass between us and the sun. These two planets have two conjunctions with the sun in their unique cycles. Whereas Mars and the rest can only go on the other side of the sun, not between us. When they meet with the sun, they are super far away from us, not close up and personal, like Venus.
Venus is going to appear to be swallowed up by the horizon, essentially getting too close to the sun for us to see her in the evening sky anymore. She’s been up there since July. Ancient people saw this time, when Venus disappeared below the horizon, as returning to the underworld. It’s a powerful, alchemical, transformative time for the divine feminine. So, get your big girl panties on because we have entered this rapid, transformational initiation spell for our sacred feminine energy.
This is the time to embrace your shadow, embody your light, don’t back away from either. Dig in and be up for the ride, knowing it moves fast but will reward your efforts, your diligence, your courage on the other side. Use this time to make stuff happen in your healing process. It’s a potent time filled with major transformative, initiatory, alchemical energies. Have I said those three words enough to emphasize the vibes we’re in?
Once Venus disappears from the evening sky and enters the metamorphic underworld she is undergoing a rapid alchemical change, ending her Leo cycle and starting her Aries-Pisces cycle and meeting with the sun. Phew! That’s a lot happening very fast! This all takes place over a roughly 3-13 day period, depending upon where you are in the world.
Why an Aries-Pisces cycle? Let’s talk about that because most astrologers will say we’re starting an Aries-only cycle, no Pisces. Aries is the sign Venus and the sun meet in, for the conjunction. But, at Venus Alchemy we follow the oldest written story we have in the world, which is about the Venus cycle. Take that in for a moment… and in that story, along with many ancient indigenous peoples the start of the Venus cycle began when they saw her rise into the morning sky, ahead of the sunrise, appearing suddenly one morning.
It’s like the idea of the new moon being when you can witness that first sliver of a crescent, not being at the sun-moon conjunction, the dark of the moon time, which is also how ancient people tracked the moon’s cycle.
Due to the amazingness of this particular Venus cycle, Venus may possibly be seen by some of us the day after she meets with the sun while still in Aries and for the rest of us we’ll see her once she’s moved into Pisces. Hence this is an Aries AND Pisces cycle. We say it’s an Aries-Pisces meta-goddess for this Venus cycle.
So what does that mean and what does that offer us? What is the intersection between Aries and Pisces? Individuality and the collective? Compassion for myself and others? Healing myself so I can step strongly into my warrioress power? How does empathy inform the warrior? Those are just a few ideas off the top of my head. I’d love to hear what you think!
How do we follow Venus’ lead? We do our internal healing work, so we grow and step into more of our feminine power, so that we transform the world. Can you imagine the power if we women really got busy healing ourselves and embracing into our wholeness? If we stopped running away from our shadow and our wounds? If we shifted out of the coping mechanisms we use so frequently in order to not feel what is going on within us—by scrolling or drinking or overexercising? Or streaming too much TV? That’s my favorite avoidance strategy, along with sugar. What if, instead we women began owning the fullness of ourselves, the good, bad and ugly? We cannot be whole without embracing our shadow, which ironically is exactly where we ultimately find our light. Can you imagine the world we would be living in? I’m getting goosebumps just talking about this! Let’s use this Aries-Pisces Venus cycle to do just that!
With the end of this Leo Venus cycle, I am coming to the close of my own Venus return cycle. I was born during this cycle that is ending, so the past 19 months and for just another week or so I have been in my Venus return cycle. A Venus return offers the opportunity to step into a stronger share of our feminine power. And, ladies it has been that! When I look back over the last year and half I am blown away by all of the transformation I have experienced! I have stopped hiding and am putting myself out there—vulnerable in my growing wholeness. I have taken an incredibly deep dive into my shadow and worked my fanny off in my healing process. I am finally finding balance in my life for the very first time. I am experiencing a new level of confidence in who I am and what I am meant to be doing in the world— helping women reconnect with their wholeness in a way that creates meaningful, lasting change in their daily lives. I started Moon Sisters Circle as an affordable and accessible way to do exactly that in a community of women. I created my AstroLife method, bringing together feminine-focused astrology, connection to nature, and modern coaching to uncover your soul path. It has been a dynamic, hard working and fruitful Venus return for me. Thanks for being here and witnessing my transformation. More to come for sure!
For all my astro-aromatherapy lovers, rose is a powerful essence that connects us to Venus. Did you know the pattern that Venus makes in the sky every eight years is a 5-pointed star, called the rose of Venus—like wild roses with their five petals. Rose is the embodiment of the divine feminine. She raises our vibration unlike any other plant. She is fierce and delicate both. Rose is one of those essences that truly heals all of our wounds.
If you are ready to do the work that brings you into more of your wholeness, one manageable step at a time, I invite you join us in Moon Sisters Circle, where we learn how to connect within and create real change in our lives with simple, easy steps you choose for yourself. You can learn more at my website: or click the link below.
See you next week when I’ll share about the eclipse portal opening with the Virgo full moon lunar eclipse—the alchemical transformative energy keeps coming!
Thanks for reading and I wish you an empowered Feminine week!