Moon Mondays
Unleash Your Feminine Power with Astrology
Unlock Your Full Potential
AstroLife Coaching
Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.
Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…
8 minutes
We are fresh into Aquarius season, with the sun entering Aquarius yesterday. What does the sun in Aquarius feel like to you? Does this month have a quality that you recognize? What is happening on the land around you? Aquarius season marks the midway point between the solstice and the equinox.
The exact cross-quarter point is coming in a couple of weeks, but fixed sign Aquarius brings us into the most “fixed” time of this season, winter for me and summer for those of you south of the equator. The seasons get more dramatic the farther away from the equator you are.
I’m just saying notice. Pay attention. What does the sun being in Aquarius offer you? Teach you? Show you? Bring up for you?
For me it has been very cold here in Colorado—below zero cold. That feels like a midpoint of winter to me. The short days are slowly getting longer. I can feel the increasing light. Aquarius sits on my 7th house, as my descendant is in Aquarius. I’m feeling an urge to get out there with my people.
Today, Monday, the moon is in Libra, so we have an air sun and an air moon in a trine geometry, both demonstrating the air archetype around us right now. Air is intellectual, in our heads, thinking and awareness focused. Air helps us become more conscious. What are you trying to become more conscious of in your life right now? Old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you? A relationship that needs a change? Notice what is coming up for you.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, the sun conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius, and the moon enters Scorpio and squares the sun and Pluto, for the waning last quarter moon. That’s a lot! That’s a lot of underworld, watery, getting into our shadows energy meeting with light the of sun and getting into our heads energy. How will you experience this archetypal meetup? There is an offering here to look at the shadow of Aquarius, where we can get so in our minds that we forget we have emotions and a body.
The last quarter moon in Scorpio is our next check in point with our final phase of this Capricorn new moon cycle, that began in December. Next week we have the Aquarius new moon, and the next moon cycle begins. This week take that Scorpio depth-diving energy and see what else you need to do to bring your new moon intention to fruition. The moon is waning, losing light, so there is a naturally reflective energy to this moon phase. Use it.
On Thursday, the moon leaves watery Scorpio and enters fiery Sagittarius. What does that elemental change bring up for you? Are you more comfortable when the moon is in a water sign? Are does the fire light you up? What sign is your moon in on your natal chart?
Sagittarius is a spiritually focused sign, seeking greater meaning. It carries an exploratory energy. What are you seeking?
On Saturday, Venus in Pisces trines Mars in Cancer, a meeting of the feminine and masculine in water. We are sure trying to heal the shadowy divide between the feminine and masculine right now. It’s up all over the place, spraying like a skunk. Saturday is a great day to lean into where are you at with this energy inside of you? How are you balancing these two forces within? Is your pendulum swinging between the two? Is it stuck on one side. Does your masculine/feminine teetertotter with masculine go up and down or is one bullying the other, taking control all the time, while the other dangles its legs caught in the air?
Finally on Sunday the moon enters Capricorn, and we land back on the ground again, in the element of earth. Again, how does that elemental change feel to you? Start there, if you’re newer to tracking the moon through your life. Feel into the shifting elements first. The signs can come later.
Earth is grounded, practical, wise. This may or may not feel good to you depending upon your natal chart and your life’s lessons and soul path.
I spaced sharing some astro-aromatherapy for us plant lovers last week. I really like juniper for Aquarius. Juniper is incredible for the nervous system which air activates—big time. Juniper is also this ancient conifer tree that connects us way out into the cosmos, where Aquarius likes to shine. Juniper supports us in simultaneously dealing with shadow and the encouraging the light of Aquarius.
If you’re sick of feeling stuck and are yearning for change… if you’re ready to clear out the energy blocks preventing you from realizing your potential—all without having to meditate for an hour every day, I invite you join us in Moon Sisters Circle.