Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power with Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching 

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Harness astrology to unlock your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

9 minutes

Aquarius new moon coming our way this week, with Pluto and Mercury getting in on the action. Lots of spacious, intellectual, consciousness provoking, awareness energy at our fingertips this week. Try to stay out of your head solely and feel into the shadow of checking out, even just for a moment. Dip your toe in and see what you notice coming up for you. Then you can binge watch your favorite show, while snacking on cookies or drinking wine.

I’m Sheridan, your Astrology Life Coach, here with this week’s woman-centered insights.

Today the moon is in Capricorn, its last sign before heading into Aquarius to meet with the Sun for the new moon on Wednesday. Mercury gets in on the Aquarius party tomorrow, Tuesday, bringing in a lot of mental, thinking, getting into our heads energy. The sun is still near Pluto, and as the moon and Mercury enter Aquarius, they too align with Pluto. Lots happening around Pluto this week… again.

There is this interesting juxtaposition of mental energies—Aquarius and Mercury—with healing the shadow—Pluto. What is the shadow of Aquarius? Ejecting from our bodies, into our heads and beyond. The gifts of Aquarius are getting perspective, seeing the bigger picture, so we can understand better. Increasing our awareness is always Aquarius’ guiding light.

On Wednesday we have the Aquarius new moon, and we begin a new moon cycle again. It’s that time to listen inside for what is calling to you the most right now. What area of your life is demanding your attention and focus? That’s the area to set your new moon intention around. It’s great if it is in service to your solstice vision, but remember that vision will change and grow as you do. 

It’s been a month since the solstice, and you may already be feeling a need to shift some part of your vision. Listen to that. Let whatever is calling to you at this new moon support your larger vision in some way. It doesn’t have to be all huge and altruistic. Cleaning up that pile of junk in the corner could be just the spark you need to get moving.

On Thursday Uranus goes direct, ending its retrograde cycle, moving more quickly now towards its change of signs from Taurus into Gemini in July. We’re in the final months of Uranus in Taurus. Uranus offers us the ability to do things differently than we have before. Being in Taurus grounds that cosmic energy into the body. Are there any changes you want to make within your body? That could inform your new moon intention and your larger solstice vision—both.

The moon enters Pisces on Thursday as well, so you may feel your emotions getting activated. What does the moon entering a water sign feel like for you? Where is this action happening in your chart? Pisces sits on my 8th house, so that can bring up going a little deeper into whatever I’m feeling for me. 

On Saturday, the new moon meets with Venus, and we pass through the crown chakra gate, following the oldest story we have written in the world. That’s something! This is an inspiring sight to behold, so my sky viewing challenge to you this week is to go outside on Saturday night. See the moon near Venus, in the western sky shortly after the sun sets. Feel into your connection with the divine feminine through your crown chakra. This is the month to cultivate that connection consciously, with our Pisces Venus and moon hearts. 

Later on Saturday, the moon will enter Aries and we have the popular time to celebrate Imbolc in the northern hemisphere on Sunday. Aquarius is the cross-quarter sign that brings us to the midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. I’ll speak more about this next week.

Here’s some astro-aromatherapy for all the plant lovers out there. All of the blossom essences like jasmine and neroli are wonderful to support our crown chakras and our communion with the divine feminine. They just smell divine!

Learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.