Moon Mondays

Align with Cosmic Cycles to Create a Life of Clarity and Purpose

AstroLife Coaching

Divine Feminine Astrology

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

10 minutes

We begin this Moon Monday week with the Moon in Libra, the Sun in its final day of Aquarius—shifting into Pisces tomorrow and Venus, our Divine Feminine planet, in Aries. She’ll be in Aries for quite a while now, due to her retrograde cycle starting next week. Venus is leading the cosmic charge of many planets doing this Aries/Pisces retrograde dance: first Venus, then Mercury, then Neptune and finally Saturn. I’ll be sharing more and more about this in the coming weeks and months! This Aries/Pisces tango is a major theme of 2025! It began when the north node moved from Aries into Pisces in January, and now we have the next installment is happening now.

Align with Cosmic Cycles to Create a Life of Clarity and Purpose
I’m Sheridan, your Astrology Life Coach, here with this week’s woman-centered insights.

Tomorrow, on Tuesday, the Sun enters Pisces. That’s the main event this week; it’s Pisces season! What does that even mean? The Sun guides our seasonal experience, as it changes signs, it creates our seasonal experience—from winter to spring into summer and fall. When the Sun enters Pisces, for instance, that signals the season of Pisces. But, what does that mean?

Pisces is the last sign of winter (for us in the northern hemisphere). The Sun will enter Aries next on the March Equinox and spring begins. Yay! Who doesn’t love the fiery energy spring and Aries bring?!? But, back to Pisces and the final month of winter season.

Pisces is considered a mutable sign in traditional astrology. Mutable signs bring change, in this case the changing of the seasons—from winter into spring at the Aries or March Equinox. By the way, stay tuned for a free Equinox class and ceremony I’ll be hosting in March. If you’re on my email list, I’ll be sending out the details soon. So, Pisces brings change, but it is also known as a “serving spirit” sign in the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, where I was formally trained in astrology. Serving spirit, meaning Pisces does its work in the world in service to something larger than us—to the Goddess herself.

Pisces is transpersonal, meaning it goes beyond the boundaries of each individual. It serves the collective with its work and teachings. Pisces is known as the healer and the empath. Pisces holds sacred space for us to do our healing work, thereby healing ourselves but also the world. When we do our individual work we make the world a little better and open the space for others to follow. That’s how Pisces serves spirit, through supporting us in doing our deep inner work. Pisces isn’t afraid of the emotional hard stuff because it feels it anyway—whether we’re doing our work or not. Pisces is empathic and feels all the feels. That’s Pisces superpower. It feels what we feel, what the collective feels, and yearns for us to do our healing work so we can move into creating the life we dream of.

Dreams are another realm of Pisces. Pisces is where we dream about the lives we want to be living. Pisces helps us to envision the life we most want and the world we most want to live within. Pisces you could say lives between the worlds in a way, between the human personality, 3D world, and the spiritual realm. Pisces is the sign that is most able to merge and unite with the spiritual realms. That’s where Pisces rejuvenates and fills its cup back up. Pisces is a major giving sign, so it really needs to make sure it’s taking care of itself, refueling regularly to offer its healing energy into the world.

That’s the shadow of Pisces, over giving and taking on our wounds. It’s so good at soothing it will take on others pain because it just can’t help itself. It’s vital for Pisces to do its own shadow work, healing its own wounds, so it can have boundaries and spend time focused on itself, refilling the well. As we enter Pisces season lean into Pisces’ teaching and therapeutic work with compassion. Pisces is all about compassion.

What are some areas of your life that aren’t going the way you want? Pick one area to focus on for this Pisces month. Take a watery, Piscean deeper dive into what is going on for you in that area. Journaling is a powerful way to look more closely at what you’re feeling and experiencing. Ask for guidance from your dreams. Seek out any support you need.

Remember to have compassion for yourself and your journey. You’re not perfect, none of us are. This isn’t about seizing another opportunity to judge the crap out of yourself. It’s about being curious and feeling into the deeper layers. Increasing your awareness is a vital first step to all growth and change.

The other night I kept waking up. I had an important work meeting the next day and I was feeling anxious. I was frustrated I was waking up because I knew there was no reason for me to feel anxious. I was prepared and ready to go. I finally realized, “Oh, something deeper is going on here.” I asked myself, “What is it?” I got out of bed and grabbed my journal and started poking around in what was going on underneath the anxiety. I found I was putting all this pressure on myself to do this meeting perfectly. Perfection pressure is the worst! It sucks my energy and all the joy out of this exciting event happening for me.

I started leaning into why I have this shadow belief around needing to be perfect to stay safe, digging into childhood trauma, that as a little girl I tried to navigate by being perfect. Wow, right? That tugged at my heart strings, and I immediately tapped into that Pisces compassion for myself. It took the charge out and I was able to get back to sleep finally, snuggling that little girl inside close, letting her know we are safe now. I’ll meet that girl down the road again, in some other instance where perfectionism rears its head again, but it was enough in this instance to help her and myself calm down. Compassion and self-forgiveness are two important themes that Pisces season offers us! Let’s use it, aligning our lives with the cosmic cycles.

For all you astro-aromatherapy lovers out there, one of my favorite essences for Pisces is ocean pine. It comes from those wind-swept pine trees that live along the cliffs of the ocean. Ocean pine helps us feel our feelings, but stay grounded into the earth. Ocean pine also helps Pisces with the boundaries it often needs to hold the healing space but not get overrun by it.

I’ll see you next week when I’ll share about Mars stationing direct and taking action toward the life you most want to create. If you are yearning for change and wanting to shift out of the old wounds that keep you down, I invite you join us in Moon Sisters Circle, where I go into more depth about how you can heal yourself and overcome your shadow beliefs.

Learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.