Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power with Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Harness astrology to unlock your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

8 minutes

Today the moon is in Aries, the sun in Aquarius, and Venus is just about to enter Aries, tomorrow. There are some major fire and air energies lighting us up right now! It’s also the cross quarter Celtic holy-day of Imbolc—the midwinter celebration. So, that’s a lot, so let’s start breaking this down.

Align with Cosmic Cycles to Create a Life of Clarity and Purpose

I’m Sheridan, your Astrology Life Coach, here with this week’s woman-centered insights.

The moon is already in fiery Aries, and Venus enters Aries late tonight—at the equinox point. Whenever any planet enters Aries, it crosses over the point in the sky where the March equinox happens. 

When the sun enters Aries, it signals the March equinox. That is the precise moment spring begins. And, this is an incredibly important area in the sky for the coming year! So many planets are crossing over, back and forth, from Pisces to Aries, back into Pisces and back into Aries once more, across this 0° Aries spot for the rest of this year and into 2026. I’ll speak about this more in the coming months, but suffice it to say the point where Pisces morphs into Aries, and vice versa with planets going retrograde is getting some serious action this year. 

This is going to be a particularly important March equinox, so stay tuned! So important I’m going to offer a free class for it! More to come about that in early March. 

Also, we have Imbolc—the midwinter celebration today. Many celebrate Imbolc on Feb. 1, but today is the point when the Sun—the determiner of the seasons—reaches 15° of Aquarius, the exact midpoint of winter, between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s time to welcome the first stirrings of spring and honor the Goddess Brigid. It’s a celebration marking the midpoint between the dark of winter and the light of spring. Yay! It’s starting to get warmer here in Colorado!

And, if all of this isn’t enough, Jupiter stations direct right after Venus enters Aries. That puts a big ole exclamation point on the changing energies. Jupiter has been more still, moving slowly as it changes directions, from our view, and is now picking up speed with all the juice it built up during this pendulum shift. Things may start feeling bigger and faster, especially around feeling free or not and the boxes we’re sick of living within. 

The moon passes by Chiron today as well, further adding to the immense healing opportunity coming our way with the Feminine this year and into next. Aries and Pisces are all the rage, for a long time! Including, the new Venus cycle begins in these signs, thereby becoming what we call the meta-goddess for this next cycle starting in March.

The first quarter moon in Taurus arrives early on Wednesday. Taurus is grounding. This energy asks for some practical action around the new moon intention you set last week. What is a concrete step you can take this week to make that intention a reality?

The moon activates Uranus, the change agent, before it moves into Gemini late on Wednesday. Gemini and Uranus both thrive in setting us free. How could you benefit from some freedom right now? Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini, which I mentioned before, will add to this energy as well.

Look for the moon to be near bright Jupiter on Thursday night. 

On Saturday the moon enters Cancer, bringing us back into our emotional bodies—feeling. This is juxtaposed with Mercury cazimi, Mercury meeting exactly with the sun, on Sunday. Be open to important downloads with this energy, ones that broaden your horizons. All that intellectual infusion while the Cancer moon is meeting with Mars in Cancer, the deep feeler. 

That Mercury/sun awareness download could offer you some space to see what you need in order to give you some perspective in an emotional matter. Sometimes the stories we tell ourselves are just stories and not facts. This alignment could give you that aha moment you need to shift something that opens you up to new possibilities.

Lastly, astro-aromatherapy for all us plant medicine lovers out there. Cinnamon bark is a great spicy, protective essence that supports balancing Aries, while also protecting us from midwinter bugs.

I wish you an empowered Feminine week!

Learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.