Moon Sisters Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power by working with Astrology of the Moon and Venus

Watch the video by clicking here or click below

Looking at the astrology of the Moon, Venus and the Sun this week and how to use these energies to realize our potential!

We start this week of Sept 23 fresh into a new season! The Sun entered Libra yesterday, for the Equinox and we are now entering fall or spring, depending upon which hemisphere you live in.

I like to use the Equinoxes as mid-year check in points. What do we want to create over the next three months? It’s a time to revise and adjust our Solstices 6 month visions.

What areas of your life do you feel called to focus on until the December Solstice? Health, Career, Family, Purpose, Spirituality?

So, this week begins with the Sun newly into Libra and Venus newly into Scorpio and the Moon in Gemini.

The Sun in Libra brings a focus into knowing ourselves through our relationships. Do we like what we see?

Venus, our Divine Feminine planet, moving into Scorpio offers deep feeling. It’s an opportunity to feel into our shadows and feel what needs healing so we can shine our brightest light. That’s the realm of Scorpio, the extremes, the darkest darks and the lightest lights.

We’re in the midst of the Eclipse portal as well, so this is an excellent time to do some personal excavating. What is one thing you can focus on until Oct. 2, the end of the eclipse window on the solar eclipse, that helps you clear out some debris that blocks your light?

The Moon in Gemini helps us think outside of the box. Gemini craves freedom, so what blocks your freedom?

Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Moon enters feeling realm Cancer and squares the Sun for the waning half-moon. This is an incredible energy to support that inward focus that the last quarter Moon brings.

How are you with nurturing yourself, your feelings and taking care of yourself as you traverse the eclipse healing portal? 

Check out this week’s Moon Sisters Mondays video, covering all this for you below…

7 minutes

Interested in having an Alchemical Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what growth opportunities are coming up for you.