Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power through Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Empowering you to use the astrology to realize your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

15 minutes

We begin this week, of November 18, with big changes! Pluto is entering Aquarius for good, and the Sun enters Sagittarius. I’m sure you’ve been hearing all about this Pluto change, so let’s dive right into that.

But, first the Moon is freshly into Cancer, the nurturer sign of the healthy mother. How does that feel for you? Are you good at filling yourself up before going out and giving to others? Society praises women who are over-givers, especially to their own detriment. Healthy Cancer is a natural giver, but she knows she must nurture and love herself first, before she’s any good to anyone else.

And, now for Pluto entering Aquarius on Tuesday — the big event! We’re in the vibes now. Remember, this is a big celestial body. It’s not about the exact minute it changes signs. There’s a shifting of the energies as it changes signs. We’re going to feel this one for a while. Also, Mars is a part of Pluto’s sign change right now. Mars is opposite Pluto, until the end of April — due to Mars’ going retrograde, meaning Mars passes opposite Pluto a few times before moving on completely.

So, what’s up with Pluto entering Aquarius? Along with Mars being in the mix?

Pluto is our planet of transformation, composting, shamanic death and rebirth, growth and evolution that hopefully (fingers crossed) leads us to greater empowerment. Aquarius is the sign of equality, with a focus on humanity and consciousness.

What are we wanting to transform in our consciousness? In our awareness of each other and “the other?” This would be a good time to lean into we are all equal and try to understand each other. “Othering” and separation is the shadow of Aquarius.

People are so geeked on this shift fixing what ails us, but Aquarius has a shadow too, just like Capricorn did. Aquarius can be super detached, checked out, suffer from a major superiority complex, and spiritually bypass doing the work necessary to bring us into the higher aspects of Aquarius — equality and a conscious, collective humanity.

All transits offer us choices, do we go towards the evolution or the devolution? Evolve or devolve? Pluto moving into Aquarius offers exactly too. Are we ready yet to understand each other or do we double down on so and so — you fill in the blank _______ — sucks. So far, we seem paralyzed by fear and anger, polarized beyond recognition. I’m hoping we’re ready to make better, collective choices, but I’m not holding my breath. We just seem so incapable of learning right now.

Let’s add Mars into the mix. Mars in Leo can learn to love itself or it can double down on hating itself through hating others and making them the enemy. The Leo Queen can lead through love or create chaos through fear, rage and hate. Which action motivates you more?

On Wednesday, the Moon enters Leo and highlights everything I’ve said already. The Moon brings our awareness to the part of the sky it’s in. How do you feel about focusing on yourself and taking better care of yourself? What does that look like for you? Are you comfortable or uncomfortable with focusing on you? How about loving yourself more? How does that land? We learn from Cancer to fill ourselves up first, now with Leo we put that into action. What’s a teeny, tiny, baby step you could take this week to take better care of yourself and show yourself you love you?

On Thursday, we begin Sagittarius season as the Sun moves into the Sagittarius part of the sky. Where is that for you? I’m seeing the sun set on the side of this particular mountain in my western view. I can tell where Sagittarius lives in my sky just through the location of the sunset. How about you? Where does Sagittarius rise or set along your horizon line? It’s a powerful practice to connect into the earth and the cosmos this way. I invite you to track the Sun over the next month, up to the Solstice, to discover where the Solstice point is on your horizon line.

On Friday, the Moon enters Virgo and then squares the Sun for the 3rd Quarter Moon, the waning half Moon you see high in the sky at sunrise. This is our last check in point before the Sagittarius new Moon next week.

How have you done with your Scorpio new Moon intention? Have you been able to accomplish it? If yes, how does that feel for you? If not, what got in your way? Remember, this isn’t about judging ourselves, it’s about exploration and curiosity. We’re trying to be more of ourselves, by working with the phases of the Moon. What does completing your intention, or not, help you to understand better about yourself? The answer is NOT you suck. I know that for sure. What got in your way? What helped you?

Today’s 3rd quarter Moon is our check in point. Is there something you could do this week to support your previous intention? A baby step or micro-action you could take? How do your actions over the past month inform your new intention for next week? What do you need to do differently? Or the same? It’s all up to you and discovering what actually works for you — you unique you.

This waning half Moon is in Virgo. Virgo is a sign that looks for the patterns and sees the details. This energy is here to help you in your curious search for what works and what doesn’t work for you. Virgo can be nitpicky too, in her shadow aspect, so watch out for that. It’s just about understanding one thing that helped and one thing that didn’t help you over the past month. Next week you get to make a new choice and set another micro action you can take for one week.

I’ve been asked repeatedly to bring back my Astro-Aromatherapy suggestions, so I’ll end today with this… I love White Pine for Pluto’s move into Aquarius. White Pine helps us stay grounded while we lean into the transformation in consciousness this change is asking from us. White Pine helps us to stay connected to our bodies while we explore the cosmos with our minds. Let me know if you want me to keep sharing Astro-Aromatherapy.

I’ll see you next Monday when Mercury goes retrograde — it’s not a bad thing! And, I’ll share more about setting your Sagittarius new Moon intention, creating the life you want to live, that you’re excited to live.

If you want to learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.

I share about all this in the video…



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