Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power through Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Empowering you to use the astrology to realize your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

11 minutes

We start this week, of November 25, with Mercury stationing retrograde today! Fear not, this much maligned cycle really has some good offerings for us. First, Mercury stationing retrograde (or any planet for that matter) simply means from our view on the earth, that Mercury appears to retrace its steps back across the background of stars from which it just came.

That doesn’t sound so scary, does it?

Mercury represents our mind and awareness. When it goes retrograde it slows down, takes a pause. It offers a moment of quiet and stillness. We get into trouble because we’re not comfortable with slowing down, quiet, or stillness. Our minds, jacked up on caffeine and scrolling are overstimulated. slowing down is so foreign it can feel scary, even out of control.

We function so linearly that Mercury’s circular shift throws us off completely. The trick to working with Mercury retrograde is allowing the stillness to come. Taking any mishaps in our constantly forward-racing world as guideposts to slow the “f” down. Take a moment. Whatever form it’s calling to you from, most likely, isn’t an emergency. Take a walk while IT figures out the issue.

The secret to handling Mercury retrograde gracefully is to drop into your creativity. Let yourself be guided by your dreams, your visions, and flow with your creative nature, however that calls to you. Write, paint, dance, crochet, or simply bask in the beauty of nature around you.

Mercury retrograde is a good thing! It offers the pause we so desperately need. Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, offering even more exploratory vibes to support us, as we investigate the stillness of our creativity.

Also, the Moon entered Libra early today, Monday. This brings attention to our boundaries with ourselves and others. Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, at least in the U.S. when we gather with family and friends, the world of Libra’s loving.

Libra is often learning through boundaries, learning to feel into itself before it goes out to others. This can feel foreign to Libra but it’s an important part of the Libran growth process. Where am I at before I turn my attention to you? That’s really what boundaries are all about, taking into account my needs, what works for me and doesn’t work for me. Practicing choosing me before focusing on you. No time like a Libra Moon and a family-filled holiday to lean into these Libra lessons.

The Moon enters Scorpio, for emotional depth diving, on Wednesday. Scorpio likes to go deep, underworld lows and celestial world highs, swinging in the intensity of the extremes.

How do you personally navigate this? How does it feel for you when the Moon is in Scorpio? I invite you to keep track and keep increasing your awareness around the Moon moving through the signs each month and what that feels like for you. The Moon is our closet planet, and it pulls on the waters of our bodies and our earth. What do you feel?

For me, the Moon moving through Scorpio often feels good. I like going deep. I have a lot of water on my chart and my IC is in Scorpio. But, you may have an entirely different experience. Trust yourself and your experience because it’s yours. No one else knows what you feel. Heck, you might experience Scorpio as shallow! Astrology is so personal.

On Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving to those of us in the U.S. I love Thanksgiving as it’s the day the ski lifts start running here in Aspen, although we opened early this year, so I’ve already skied two days — yay! For me Thanksgiving is a day to go skiing and get out into the mountains, eat some yummy food, and relax and give thanks for all that I have. What’s Thanksgiving mean for you? I hope it’s a peaceful time, free of drama or stress for you.

Saturday brings us the Sagittarius New Moon. It’s time to set our monthly Moon intention as the Moon cycle resets and begins again. Like Mercury retrograde the dark of the Moon is a still point as well. If you can, find a moment of time just for yourself in this holiday weekend. That could be your intention alone and that would be a win!

Remember the New Moon is the alignment, the gathering forces, between the Sun and the Moon. It’s a potent time to create. We’re women and creating comes naturally to us. We birth babies out of our bodies. We cycle with the Moon. We conduct the energy from the Sun and Moon into the Earth.

What intention will you set that aligns you with your Sagittarius vision for your life? This is the time to focus on one step, for one month, that moves you closer to your goals for your life.

I’ve been working on building my Moon Sisters Circle group — coming at the December Solstice, so stay tuned for more on that — so I’ll be setting my intention around completing another step in of my vision for this Circle of Moon Sisters — where women come together to create the lives we most want to lead with the cycles of the Moon, in a community with our fellow Moon Sisters. That’s my vision!

Lastly, here’s my Astro-Aromatherapy suggestion for this Sagittarius New Moon — Eucalyptus is a beautiful essential oil that opens our hearts and minds to vision more clearly. It attunes us to the vibrations of these special trees that clear away the gunk and open our respiratory systems and energetic bodies to explore and conduct even higher visions for ourselves.

You could use some Eucalyptus during your intention-setting ceremony on Saturday. This can be as simple as anointing your heart with a few drops of Eucalyptus while allowing the vision to come through, informing the small step you want to focus on for this Moon month.

Remember to set an intention that is something you can look back on the month and know if you did it. For example,” opening my heart” is too ephemeral and esoteric. How will you know if you’ve accomplished opening your heart? But, anointing my heart with Eucalyptus every day to open my heart is something you can look back and know you did or didn’t do. This is what I’m mean by small concrete steps for your intention.

I’ll see you next Monday as the Moon enters Capricorn leading us towards the next Solstice and Venus moves into the Throat Chakra with the Moon, encouraging us to reclaim our powerful voices.

Stay tuned for more info about how I set intentions in my FREE Solstice intention setting class and ceremony. We’ll learn how to work with the Solstice and the Moon phases to create the lives we want to live in practical and meaningful steps that actually work. This isn’t a set an intention and magically it manifests teaching. It’s about learning concrete methods to really move the needle where you want to go, where you envision yourself in your heart and mind.

If you want to learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.

I share about all this in the video…



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