Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power through Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Empowering you to use the astrology to realize your potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

10 minutes

We begin this week, November 4, with the waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon meets up with Venus today, which is a big event in the Venus cycle.

Let’s talk about the Venus cycle for a moment. Each month the waxing crescent Moon comes to Venus. This meetup, each month, signifies Venus moving through a gate, a specific chakra. 

This month, during this Moon and Venus meeting, we will arrive at the Heart Chakra gate. This means we have a month of focusing on reclaiming the power of love for ourselves.

At Venus Alchemy, we follow the oldest myth that humanity has written. The first written story, on those clay tablets from ancient Sumer, in the Middle East, is about Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth. We now know that Inanna is the planet Venus.

Think about that for a second. The oldest myth we have written down is about our Divine Feminine planet Venus! The Goddess herself!

In the story, Inanna arises from the underworld and must go through seven gates to reclaim her powers, which she had to relinquish on her journey down into the underworld. We are currently in the part of the story, where Venus is reclaiming her power at her Heart Chakra.

This offers an opportunity for all of us Divine Feminine Women to reclaim our powers at our Heart Chakras as well! Yay! I suggest taking this month to focus on reclaiming your divine love for yourself. Actively keep choosing that. This is a powerful practice!

I share about this and more in the video…



Interested in having an Divine Feminine Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what growth opportunities are coming up for you.