Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power through Astrology

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video, covering all this for you below…

12 minutes

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️ sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology, empowering you to use the astrology to realize your potential.


This week of Oct 14, we start with the Moon in Pisces, Venus at the end of Scorpio (she’s entering Sagittarius on the Full Moon on Thursday) and the Sun in the latter degrees of Libra.

The Moon is still waxing, gaining light, moving towards the Aries Full Moon — super moon —  on Thursday.  We’re still in that building of energy time in the Moon cycle, culminating with the Full Moon on Thursday.

I think of the Moon as the planet that attunes us to our Souls. It’s our Soul planet and helps us connect with and receive messages from our Souls.

On Wednesday, after the Moon enters Aries, it conjuncts, again meets up with, Chiron, the healer planet. I love this energy as we move into this powerful supermoon on Thursday. For us women, Aries can often be an energy we’re “not allowed” to have.

Aries is the fierce warrioress, who is learning about who she is, her boundaries, and her strong independence. The patriarchy often calls women standing in their Aries power bitches, or she’s so angry, or she’s too much. Yuck!


I share all about this and more in the video HERE



Interested in having an Divine Feminine Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what growth opportunities are coming up for you.