Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power through Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Empowering you to use the astrology to realize your potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

13 minutes


We begin this week of October 28, with the waning Moon in Virgo, moving into Libra tonight, as we head into Halloween and the Celtic celebration of Samhain — with the Scorpio New Moon on Friday. Ooooh Scorpio spooky!!

Before we dive into the astrology of this week, I’m talking about the New Moon and how to best work with this energy.

The New Moon is the start of the monthly Moon cycle. It brings a still point. It elicits and internal, inward-focused energy. Think of the New Moon as the moment you start your menstrual cycle. You turn inward, wanting to curl up with yourself and just go inside. That’s the energy of the New Moon.

I like to think of the entire Moon cycle as a timing device, much like our menstrual cycles.

Using the Moon cycle as a timing device is my favorite way to keep connecting into your vision and what you want to be creating with your life. It’s easy to vision and dream and then completely forget what you want, with carpools, grocery shopping, work, and feeding the troops. Working intentionally with the Moon cycle anchors you into taking action, taking small, baby steps that support you in continuing to move towards your larger vision for your life


I share about this and more in the video…



Interested in having an Divine Feminine Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what growth opportunities are coming up for you.