
Aspen Daily News Biweekly Astrology Column: Mar. 10-23

Pisces rides the lonely Bell chair


Happy Pisces new moon today! The moon and sun are meeting right now in Pisces. Did they swallow that lost hour this morning with the start of daylight savings time? This new moon is the closest to Earth all year, so expect your internal emotional tides to feel it. The deep feelings of the Pisces new moon are going to be amplified by being so close to us.

Let your watery sentiments flow — whether you feel like it or not. You may sense you’re drifting around in some confusion, a little lost. Focus on your heart. That will help. The gift of this new moon is to feel, which opens your heart. Pisces floats in the tenderness our wounds, offering healing, so we are no longer held captive by our hurts.

If you got on the Bell chair with Pisces, she’d have you in tears by the top, pouring out your most intimate childhood pains, wondering how this stranger got you to this place. Pisces knows you’re suffering and she wants to unburden you of your sorrow.

The new moon is the start of the monthly moon cycle. It offers an opportunity to drop into the stillness of the dark moon. Known as a seed point, it’s a time to set an intention for what you want to focus on for this month. Getting clear on the goal helps you attain it.

Working with the phases of the moon supports your efforts because you’re co-creating with the energy that surrounds you. The adage “as above, so below” is literal. What’s happening in the sky is an outward reflection of what’s happening within. That’s why we look at astrology — to better understand the energy we’re currently dealing with in our individual lives.

Pisces is an emotional sign, serving the feeling realm of life. It’s known as the empath and healer archetype. Perhaps you want to focus on alleviating something that stands in your way of living the life you envision.

Adding to the Piscean therapeutic energies, both Venus and Mars enter this healing sign over the next two weeks, more pulling at your heart strings. Read more by clicking here.


Read the rest of my astrology column forecast for March 10-23

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