
One of the major events within the Venus cycle, meeting with the sun, is occurring on Tuesday — giving the divine feminine a massive energetic infusion. 

But first, Mercury follows the sun, Venus and Jupiter into Gemini on Monday — Mercury’s happy place. 

Mercury, our cerebral-focused planet, moves into the most mental sign of all — Gemini. Expect to be bouncing between ideas and interests, unable to settle on simply one plan. If this activates your birth chart, such as having your Mercury (or other planets) in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, this transit will be especially potent for you, meaning your brain could be going wild for a few weeks. I know mine is, with my natal Mercury in Gemini. Let your curiosity fly unimpeded. 

On Tuesday, this busy body Mercury connects with Jupiter. Anticipate your thoughts to taking off even more. Jupiter is expanding Gemini (for the next year) bringing more intellectual stimulation to Mercury — if that’s even possible.

Also on Tuesday, Venus aligns exactly with the sun, from our earthly view. They are currently within 1 degree of each other, so the communion has already begun. From May 31 to June 8, Venus and the sun are in this piercing line, with the precise conjunction on Tuesday. Use that Gemini-inspired mind to imagine us (Earth) looking behind the sun to spot Venus, positioning the three of us in this special geometric relationship. The juice is high! All in (you guessed it) more Gemini!

Whenever a planet aligns with the sun, it is said to be in the heart of spirit, source energy or great mystery itself, absorbing the highest vibrations of life force energy and transmissions. This is a powerful positioning of our divine feminine planet, Venus, connecting into the core of our life-giving planet, the sun. 

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