April brings us into the start of eclipse season with a solar eclipse at the second Aries New Moon. Mercury retrogrades through Taurus. Taurus season kicks off with the Sun’s movement into that garden of earthly delights sign. More evidence of spring here in wintery Colorado. And, Venus moves from the Heart to the Throat Chakra. Lots of opportunities to connect more deeply to ourselves and our unique paths.

April Sky Viewing

  • Morning sky – Saturn
  • Evening sky – Venus and Mars
  • April 10 – look for Venus near the Pleiades – all the ladies together!
  • April 22 and 23 – the Moon meets with Venus in the evening sky.
  • April 25 – the Moon with Mars

Full Moon in Libra – April 5

The Sun is with Chiron and the Moon opposes them both for this Libra Full Moon. It’s always spectacular to see the Full Moon rising around sunset. Depending upon your mountain horizon line, it can take a bit for the Moon to rise after the Sun sets. Having Chiron in the mix offers emotional cleansing. This could be felt in our Libran partnerships. Is there any wounding that needs a loving touch in your relationships? This Full Moon would be a great time to start that healing. Full Moons are a time of celebration and appreciation, so you may be celebrating the healing that has occurred with your partner or even within your respecting of yourself, an important Libra lesson.

Rhododendron is an essence I love for Libra. Helping us to connect to our spiritual family, this Himalayan flower bush guides us into our higher selves and relations.

Venus enters Gemini – April 11

Our Goddess planet gets playful and exuberant in Gemini. It’s time to let our feminine sides be free and kick up our heels. She wants space, not to be told what to do, and winks her eye as she gets up to a little mischief.

Douglas Fir, one of our native Colorado trees, has very trickster Gemini energy. It’s not even a real fir! It’s friendly, not held in a “fir” box and playful in its vibes. 

Waning Half Moon in Capricorn – April 13

Look for the half Moon in the early morning sky as the Sun is rising. The Moon is losing light on its monthly journey back towards the Sun. This third quarter Moon is a great time to take stock. What’s happening within you? Reflect and revise. Begin to feel into what your next intention will be for this upcoming New Moon.

Aries New Moon… again – April 19 – Solar Eclipse!

It’s our second Aries New Moon in a row and this one is a Solar Eclipse. Not visible here in the U.S., it is still an energy we can tap into for our New Moon ceremonies. Eclipses bring the shadow to light, offering an intention to release something not good for us and an embrace of something new. Use this solar eclipse energy for a shamanic intention this month. Is there something not serving you that you can let go of, that in turn makes space for more of you to blossom inside? With the eclipse being in Aries, is there a way you could better step into your strength and power? Use your force to protect others?

Join my online Aries Eclipse New Moon Ceremony, Wednesday, April 19, 3-4 PM MDT. I’ll dive into more of what these energies mean, bring some astrological aromatherapy to support us, and guide setting our Moon intentions in community. You can learn more and register here. We’ll be playing with Red Pine and Tea Tree for this Aries New Moon ceremony. Hope to see you!  

Sun enters Taurus – April 20

It’s Taurus season! Time of flowers, sweet smells, and love. Taurus likes to lounge in its senses, relishing the in the pleasure only the body can experience. Spring has sprung and Taurus wants to get its groove on. Mating, intimacy, good food and drink – these are some of Taurus’ pleasures. Taurus wants to feel the aliveness that the body brings.

Rose is an excellent essence for Taurus, who wants to walk lazily along smelling the roses and enjoying every moment life has to offer.

Mercury goes Retrograde – April 21

Yup, it’s that time again. Mercury moves back through Taurus, retrograding through the earth signs this year. There is a grounded-ness opportunity with this Mercury retrograde, a time to stand still in the Ram constellation (which Taurus overlays) and step into our right-brain creative sides. Taurus loves art and beauty, so this Mercury retrograde could inspire you to make some type of art in service to a welcomed rest for your linear left brain. Uranus, the change agent planet, is with Mercury, adding potential for unexpected, unplanned creations to simply flow out of you. 

Venus moves into the Throat Chakra – April 22 & 23 

Look for the Moon to meet up with Venus in the evening sky these two nights. When the waxing crescent Moon meets with Venus, we move up the chakras to the throat this month. This is a time to reclaim your power in your throat. Speak your truth. Don’t hold back. Let your voice sing from the mountain tops.

Blue Cypress, but really any blue oil, is great for the throat chakra. Blues bring power to the throat. Blue Cypress brings deep healing to this often-hurt chakra, helping us to feel any grief that has been caught in our throats, preventing our beautiful voices from being free.

Waxing Half Moon in Leo – April 27

We end April with the first quarter Moon in the sign of self-love. Bring deep love into manifesting your New Moon intention with this Moon. The first quarter Moon calls for us to be actively working on bringing our intention into reality. Leo is massive creative energy helping you to create whatever you need to bring your goals to life.

Blessings on your journey through April!



New Moon Ceremony Online – Wednesday, April 19 at 3 PM MST

(always recorded)
shamanic astrology