August starts with one of the major astrological aspects for 2022! Mars, the North Node and Uranus all come together. This conjunction signals an intention for actional change in the direction we’re heading. Mars, our Sacred Masculine planet, asks for action. The Nodes are the intersection of the Sun and Moon’s two paths. When the Sun and Moon are on the Nodes, we have eclipses. Our entire solar system is moving in a northern direction, so the North Node represents where we’re going. Uranus is the change agent planet. Put this massive conjunction together in Taurus and there’s an intention we see and feel in the sky for active change in where we’re going, especially around embodiment and experiencing the pleasure of being in our bodies. It’s time we get grounded and embrace our planet of earthly delights. Denying this keeps us heading off the cliff.
Venus is active, after moving into the Root Chakra at the end of July, bringing the flow of the Sacred Feminine to the above conjunction, Neptune and Jupiter. Visioning and expanding through growth supporting us in navigating these energies.
We have the cross-quarter celebration of Lughnasadh, marking another seasonal turning point. Here in the northern hemisphere, we celebrate the harvest and abundance while the Sun is in Leo. Many say Lughnasadh is August 1, but spiritually it lies between the Leo New Moon and Aquarius Full Moon. Astrologically, it occurs on August 7, when the Sun is half-way through Leo.
Planets change signs, Uranus goes retrograde, and we round out August as Venus moves into the Earth Star Chakra, prepping us for her journey into the underworld. It’s another big month of energy!
August Sky Viewing – still a morning delight with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn up in the early morning sky. Saturn is up almost all night, so you night owls can catch Saturn before bed.
Mars, North Node and Uranus together – August 1
The North Node and Uranus will stay at the same degrees until August 10, so there’s plenty of time to feel into how you desire to feel good in your beautiful body going forward. Mars will help you act around this intention. Taurus is interested in what feels good for the long term, not just in this minute and then feels yucky for hours or days afterwards. If you’re into Sabian Symbols, this one is “a new continent arising out of the ocean”. So much opportunity to plant roots of newness, change and growth in this alignment.
Mercury enters Virgo – August 4
Our mind planet of consciousness, awareness and communication moves into Virgo, a sign it has resonate energy with. Virgo is the priestess, druid energy that looks for and finds the sacredness in all of life on the Earth. This movement will support the Taurean change of direction listed above, as awareness fuels all forward changing movement.
Aquarius Full Moon – August 11
The Moon is opposite the Sun, all lit up, in Aquarius, highlighting this Leo-Aquarius axis of humanity. Aquarius looks down from the eagle’s broad view, interested in the consciousness of us All. Leo focuses on one human, itself, and finds it is the All incarnate. Celebrate you on this Full Moon. Honor your creativity and consciousness.
Venus moves into fiery Leo, inviting radiant self-love into our feminine expressions. The Sun squares Uranus, bringing additional light into what calls for change within our earthly embodiment.
For some, this Full Moon marks Lughnasadh and the celebration of the lunar harvest and abundance. Bring that into your Full Moon Ceremony as you dance around the Leo fire fueled by the air of Aquarius.
Sun and Saturn opposition – August 14 – night sky viewing
Saturn is now opposite the Sun and becomes visible as soon as the Sun sets, making it visible all throughout the night, setting as the Sun rises. The Sun shines the light of Spirit into what works and doesn’t work objectively within your life.
Mars near Pleiades – August 18 – morning sky viewing
If you’re a morning sky viewer, look for Mars to be close to the Pleiades. The Pleiades is where many indigenous cultures say they came to the Earth from, their origin point.
Mars enters Gemini – August 20
This brings lightness and more fun to our “doing”, warrior planet. Let your masculine play and have fun. We will need the Gemini side of Mars to help us move beyond the depleting rules of patriarchy. Mars will stay in Gemini for many months, until March of 2023. It’ll go retrograde, then direct, and start a new Mars cycle in Gemini. We have a long opportunity to feel and step into this energy.
Sun enters Virgo – August 22
We move into this “in service to Spirit” sign, traveling through the sacredness of the Earth, as we head into the September Equinox time. These servers of Spirit signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius) always bring us home into the major Sun holidays of the Solstices and Equinoxes. They provide an opportunity to turn toward Spirit for a month before we shift into a new season, bringing change once again.
Venus enters the Earth Star Chakra – August 25
On the heels of Uranus going retrograde yesterday, providing a longer opportunity to revolutionize within and without, the Moon and Venus join up for the last time in the morning sky. This is the 8th gate we’ve traveled through on our descent into the underworld, when Venus travels behind the Sun and we can no longer see her on the eastern horizon before dawn.
This is known as the Death by Intent gate, as we consciously choose to enter the underworld and undertake the initiation that awaits us. Tune into the chakra beneath your feet, where you connect into and become one with the earth. What do you want to release in preparation of going into the underworld for deeper feminine growth?
Virgo New Moon – August 27
We finish August with the Virgo New Moon. The Sun entered Virgo and now the Moon joins it, in the darkness of the New Moon. It’s the monthly underworld moment for the Moon, ending one cycle and beginning another, in the ever-circling cycle of life. That’s the beauty of the underworld, it brings us to one end and sets us on the path of renewal and rebirth, again. I’d love to do ceremony with you! Please consider joining my monthly online New Moon Ceremony. Details below.
August Aromatherapy – for all this change-focused energy
- Ylang Ylang – helps us to handle change at a safe pace and opens our hearts. This tropical flower is a beauty for Leo and learning deeper self-love. I also love Ylang Ylang to support pleasing the senses for Taurus.
- Ponderosa Pine – a Colorado native tree, keeps our roots firmly planted in the Earth while we explore the heights of the sky. This is a perfect essence as we move through the Root Chakra with Venus, while simultaneously exploring change and forward movement through our Taurus embodiment.
- Sandalwood – revered since ancient times for taking us into the celestial world where Uranus lives, protecting us as we move through changes, expanding our consciousness to help us see Spirit’s path for us.
Join me for an Online New Moon Ceremony – Friday, August 26, 1 PM MDT