Moon Mondays

Unleash Your Feminine Power through Astrology

Astrology Life Coaching ➡️

Sharing this week’s — woman-centered astrology.

Empowering you to use the astrology to realize your full potential.

Check out this week’s Moon Mondays video below…

11 minutes

We start this week, of December 2 — yes, it’s December! with the Moon moving from Sagittarius into Capricorn today. Moving from fire into earth. How do you experience this elemental shift? Does it feel good? Not so good? Do you notice the change at all? It’s ok if you don’t.

I experience it as a shift from visions and inspirations into more grounded, concreteness. It’s less stimulating and more calming.

We’re coming out of the Sagittarius New Moon early yesterday. What intention did you set for this Moon month? Sagittarius likes to vision and see what’s beyond the horizon. Now, the Moon guides us into those practical, earth-based, micro actions steps. What small action are you taking this week to realize your New Moon intention?

Remember micro-actions are just that, small steps. Mini-actions you can measure and know whether you have done them or not. They are something you could share with your best friend, “Hey, I didn’t drink all week or I sent that email to my boss.” Micro-actions are concrete.

Let’s talk about this for a moment because micro actions are what it’s all about really.

It’s all nice to set intentions with the New Moon. I’m obviously not the only one sharing about that. The difference is this is not a “set it and forget it” situation, where you simply state your intention and “poof” it magically comes to fruition. It takes some work, a little elbow grease. It takes action. But, the secret is, it doesn’t have to be hard. That’s the real magic.

Micro-actions are teeny, tiny, baby actions you take. For example, let’s say my Sagittarius New Moon intention was starting to write my book. Ok, that’s huge. High level huge. The key here is starting… my micro action could be writing out the general concepts I want to cover, maybe 5-10 ideas. And, that’s it. It’s not ALSO write out the outline, or in addition I write the introduction. You feel me?

Micro actions, done right, will almost feel too easy. But, don’t underestimate them. Taking small actions consistently is extremely powerful. It’s the difference between staying stuck and forward movement that fills you with self-confidence and inner pride.

We tend to make our actions, our goals, our to do lists waaaaay too big, waaaay too ambitious. Then we get overwhelmed and do nothing. I’m so guilty of that! Overwhelm is my biggest trigger to checking out. Micro actions are the antidote.

Hope that’s helpful to take a little deeper dive. Micro actions changed my life! I’m going to be teaching about these a bunch more in my new Moon Sisters Circle group coming to you at the December Solstice!

Wednesday brings us the next big Sacred Feminine event, when Venus meets with the crescent Moon in the western sky, a little after sunset. The Moon and Venus should be pretty close together, for those of us in the U.S., because the exact conjunction is close to the sunset time. This is a powerful sight to behold. It’s inspiring and stops us in our tracks, just like it did for our ancestors. Seeing the Moon meet with Venus definitely activates something ancient within our DNA.

This Moon and Venus meeting signifies our moving into the Throat Chakra in the Venus cycle. The Sacred Feminine is encouraging us to reclaim the power of our voices. So important for women to reclaim our sacred voices!! We are often silenced, not listened to, overlooked. We need to reclaim our powerful, important voices. We need to hear more from women today, not less.

Next the Moon enters Aquarius, bringing more mental awareness online. How do you experience that? Aquarius can allow some space in our emotional bodies, putting a greater emphasis on the mind, ideas, and understanding. You may find yourself gaining perspective around an issue, seeing the bigger picture from higher above. Letting the mind work its magic.

Mercury meets with the Sun on Thursday, while retrograde, so this is a potent day to listen to yourself, listen for messages from your soul and the Goddess. Mercury is the messenger of the Goddesses, so they’ll be trying to communicate with you. This is happening in conjunction with Venus’ activation of the Throat Chakra, so there is a lot of communication flowing around.

On Friday, Mars goes retrograde and Venus enters Aquarius. This brings a stillness, a slowing down of the masculine, while the feminine changes signs. What will this bring for us?

Perhaps a slowing down before the holiday season and all the busyness. A moment to get some perspective. What’s important to you for this holiday season? What do you want to get out of it? This would be a great day to sit with that for a minute. What would feel good to you for the holiday season? What would make it feel successful to you and not stressful? Is it to slow down? Would you prefer not to go to every event you’re invited to? How could you take some time for yourself? Or do you feel electrified by all the social events, and you can’t wait? How about with your family, if you’re seeing them this month? Are there things you could do or not do that would make that time feel better to you? As Mars stations retrograde in self-love Leo and Venus enters higher perspective Aquarius, this is a brilliant time to feel into what works best for you in the upcoming holiday time.

On Saturday, the Moon enters Pisces and Neptune stations direct. Lots of energy up this week! A dreamy-oriented time is on offer with both the Moon and Neptune in Pisces. Does that lend itself to your visions coming in at the Solstice new year or does it trigger overindulgence in you? Both are available. Interesting timing as we head into the holidays where we tend to overindulge but also the Solstice new year where we sit in the stillness of the Sun changing its direction and we set longer term goals and intentions.

I invite you to join me on Saturday, December 21st, for my free Solstice intention-setting gathering. I’ll share with you the steps I’ve been taking over the years that have significantly moved me towards my visions. I’ll also teach about the Solstice and how to use the Moon and seasonal cycles to create the life you want to live, one intention and micro-action at a time. The link to register for this free gathering is listed below.

Finally, Sunday is the first quarter Moon, the time to set another micro-action for this next phase of the Moon that you can take and be accountable to yourself for over the next week. That’s how it works. We create change in our lives one micro-action, with each phase of the Moon, at a time.

I’m suggesting Blue Chamomile for this Pisces half Moon and Neptune stationing direct. It’s also known as German Chamomile. It’s this luscious, thick, oily deep blue essential oil. Blue Chamomile slows us down, calms our nervous system,  and opens our Throat Chakras for this Venus gate. This divine throat chakra blue oil opens our hearts to be more of our authentic selves, beneath the masks we wear to get along in the world, especially around the holidays.

I’ll see you next Monday as the Moon enters Aries and we get our warrioress’ energies on once again.


Soulful Alignment: Free Solstice Intention-Setting & Astrology Coaching Experience 🌟

December 21 | 3pm MDT | 1 hour | On Zoom

Learn more about creating your ideal life with the moon, grab my free guide: 3 Steps to Changing Your Life with the New Moon.

I share about all this in the video…



Interested in having an Divine Feminine Astrology reading with me?

Let’s look at your Soul path and see what growth opportunities are coming up for you.