February kicks off on the heels of Venus moving into the crown chakra. The crescent Moon meeting with Venus, in the morning sky on January 29, signals this shift. If you were able to see the conjunction, it was a visual and spiritual treat. Each month when the waning crescent Moon and Venus meet, Venus will continue her descent through the chakras, as told in the story of Inanna from ancient Sumer. This “myth” is an actual telling of Venus’ progression through the sky. Use February to consciously tune into your crown chakra, with the intention of letting go of one thing that blocks your connection to Spirit and your own Divinity. It is powerful practice! 

Aquarius New Moon and Imbolc – Jan 31 and Feb 1

Next, the Moon moves into Aquarius and meets with the Sun for the New Moon on January 31 or February 1, depending upon your location. Time to plant your seed of intention into the New Moon’s fertile, dark soil. It’s also time to celebrate Imbolc, the Celtic cross quarter holi-day of midwinter, when the Sun reaches 15° Aquarius (Feb 3). Honor the returning of the Light. Face the Sun and let the Light enter your closed eyes, nourishing your crown, third eye and pineal gland. Express your reverence and gratitude. Celebrate the maiden aspect of the Goddess or better yet, your inner child. Take a day and let her or him be your guide. What a beautiful way to celebrate the Imbolc New Moon, set an intention, and honor your connection to your Divinity!

Mercury Goes Direct – February 3

Mercury leads all the planets into a forward motion, lasting until April 29 (when Pluto goes retrograde). With the frequent misunderstandings surrounding Mercury retrograde, having all the planets going direct can seem like a good thing. It definitely can be, forward motion, lots of action, flying along our paths. But, it can also feel very fast, moving too quickly. Check in and see what your experience is. Are you good or do you need to slow things down… focus more on “being” and less on “doing”? Mercury goes direct in Capricorn, infusing this Mercury cycle with the sight and perception of the Crone, just like this entire Venus cycle is. How can you bring your inner wise one more to the surface to guide you?

Full Moon in Leo and Venus & Mars Dance – February 16

Leo encourages us to celebrate our Divinity, our God/Goddess-like nature. It helps us to see we are the Divine incarnate, the micro to the macro, and teaches us to love ourselves for the kings and queens we all are. If you’re in the Aspen/Carbondale Colorado area, Come celebrate with me at True Nature for our Full Moon Ceremony, Thursday, February 17, 6-7:30 PM, in the Kiva. Through February and into March, Venus and Mars will be doing a celestial slow-dance in the early morning sky. They meet exactly at this Full Moon. Go out in the early morning and witness their embrace in the predawn glow, while the Moon sets in the west. Venus and Mars will be close for over a month, so be sure to have a look somewhere along the way.

Communion between the Sacred Feminine (Venus) and Sacred Masculine (Mars) provides an opportunity for healing between them. Chiron, the wounded healer, will be on the square adding juice to this potential for reconciliation. This cosmic gathering reveals an intention for each of us have this rendezvous within ourselves. We all embody the Masculine and Feminine within, no matter how we identify. Bringing the two into union is the ultimate Sacred Marriage work, from the Shamanic Astrology perspective.

This long meeting of Mars and Venus demonstrates the principle of “As Above, so Below” while we’re all doing this dance within and without – if we so choose. It is an opportunity, not a mandate. Take advantage and see where you can strive for more balance within. Do you have a mutual respect and love for each of these archetypes? Do you favor one and shame the other? Move beyond the polarity of feminine vs masculine, internally and externally. If we are going to move past patriarchy, we’re going to have to figure out how to create a new way…together.

Sacred Aromatherapy for our Venus and Mars Dance

Artemisia Annua and Davana both help us to balance the Feminine and Masculine energies within. They help us to remember we’re both. Davana (Artemisia pallens) is known as the “Goddess in a bottle”. She is used by the Shamans of Tibet and Nepal to hear the whispers Spirit has for them. She helps us move beyond duality and polarity and supports us in recognizing our true selves – both. Artemisia annua, also known as “Sweet Annie” (how lovely is that) helps us remember we are both yin and yang, constantly melding into and out of the other. She helps us remember our androgyny. Such a beautiful essence for our current times while we stumble and strive to move beyond duality. Notice how they are both Artemisias? From Artemis, the Goddess.

Venus moves through the 3rd Eye Chakra Gate – February 27

Venus continues her journey to the Underworld, when she’ll be hidden behind the Sun come September. This waning crescent Moon joins with Venus in the morning sky signifying movement from the crown into the 3rd eye chakra. Now’s the time to set your intention for the next month to release a blockage that prevents your clear perception and sight. We’re cleaning up and clearing out our chakras, one month at a time, at each Moon/Venus conjunction, following one of the first stories ever written of Inanna’s (Venus) Descent to the Underworld. What a great opportunity to spend a month loving on each chakra and consciously clearing out something standing in the way of your purest energetic expression! Go outside early to see the crescent Moon meet with Venus, just before sunrise, in the east. It is a spectacular sight to behold. You’ll feel the primordial unifying sensation in your cells, reconnecting to an ancient practice your ancestors once did.



New Moon Ceremony Online – Wednesday, March 2 at 1 PM MST

(always recorded)