I was going to start by writing that we finally have a mellower month astrologically, but May begins with the opening of eclipse season. That blows mellow out of the water! The time between the solar eclipse on April 30 and the lunar eclipse on May 15 is a powerful alchemical time of transformation. We will experience this in varying degrees. If these eclipses are pressing into planets on your natal chart, then this cauldron of growth will be more personal for you. It will be lighting up your soul’s growth, as your chart is the map of your intention to evolve. May also features Mercury going retrograde and Venus moving into the solar plexus chakra.

Venus moves into Aries – May 2

The hold that healer Pisces has had on us is finally breaking up, as Venus moves into Aries. We’ll still be in the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces through November, but our sacred feminine planet of Venus moves into the warrior, protector energy of Aries. If your boat has been rocking on the Pisces waters of feelings, then Aries could be a welcomed respite into individuating again and taking action from your healing heart. Red Pine is an excellent essential oil for Aries. It’s powerful, grounding and filled with passion.

Astrological Beltane – May 5

Beltane, while commonly celebrated on the first of May, is actually a cross-quarter holiday. Meaning, the Sun reaches the midpoint between the March equinox (0° Aries) and the June solstice (0° Cancer) at 15° Taurus. We’re halfway through spring, fixed into the Taurus energies. Time to celebrate the peak of spring, when our northern hemisphere earth is bursting with the potential of new life. The maiden aspect of the goddess is in full force. Dance around the fire, make love, and enjoy life’s pleasures. Use a blossom essence to support the Taurus Beltane vibes, such as Jasmine or Rose.

Waxing half-moon – May 8

Still in the active half of the moon cycle, this is a great time to check in on your new moon intentions. Do you need to take more action to support your intention or are you good with how it’s currently unfolding? Did you already space your new moon intention just a mere eight days ago? I’ve done that more times than I’d care to admit! “Wait, what was I working on this month?”

Mercury goes retrograde – May 10

The much dreaded and maligned Mercury retrograde. Fear is the name of the game in current astrological circles. But, do we really need to fear the messenger of the Spirit simply hanging out and recrossing the part of the sky it just came from? That’s all retrograde really is. Mercury retrograde challenges our linear, left-brained way of life. This is a perfect time to get into an art project that’s been on your mind. Write a poem or a new song. Sing out to the earth and sky. In other words, take advantage and live a few weeks in your right brain. Give your left side a well needed break. Artemisia vulgaris helps us balance the two hemispheres of our brains.

Jupiter enters Aries today as well, bringing more celestial intention energy into fiery Aries. Use that intuitional energy to support your artistic endeavors above.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – May 15

The lunar eclipse is visible here in the Roaring Fork Valley! And, it’s at a reasonable hour to boot! Yay! The eclipse begins at 8:04 PM, peaks at 10:11 PM and ends at 12:50 AM, lasting almost 5 hours. Look for the already eclipsing full moon to rise after sunset. It’s a supermoon as well, so it will be extra-large, making for a spectacular viewing event.

The Scorpio full moon, ending our eclipse portal, bookends the Taurus new moon solar eclipse in April. Look into any aspects of your shadow that you’re ready to let go of while the eclipse is moving towards totality. Set an intention for your new path, freed of this wounding, at totality. Envision your life with this intention in place as the moon grows fuller and brighter again. The essential oil from the roots of Vetiver is a gentle guide through the underworld, shadow sides we are often afraid to face.

Mars conjunct Neptune – May 18

Mars, our sacred masculine planet, catches up to Neptune. More healing around the patriarchy is available here. What aspects of your inner sacred masculine still needs love and mending?

Sun enters Gemini – May 20

Let’s play, get our fun on and make a little mischief as we begin to shapeshift our season from spring into summer. It’s Gemini season! Gemini wants to break us out of our boxes and see beyond the limitations we place on ourselves. Gemini is an “in service to Spirit” sign, according to Shamanic Astrology. It wants us to move beyond what the mind can know, beyond the polarity of the twins it is associated with, and into the consciousness realms of Spirit. The trickster essence from Douglas Fir is a fun Gemini oil to use.

Mercury conjuncts the Sun – May 21

Retrograde Mercury passes between us and the Sun, getting all the juicy gossip the Sun has to share with our messenger, communicator archetype. What messages are they transmitting to you today?

Waning half-moon – May 22

Time to revisit your new moon intention, as we head into the next new moon. The last quarter moon is a time and reorient and revise your previous intention. Did this intention work for you? Do you need to scrap it? Rewrite it? Or move on to something different entirely? For bonus credit, go outside and witness the half moon.

Venus moves into the solar plexus chakra – May 26

Get up early and see the crescent moon meet up with Venus early tomorrow morning. It’s a beautiful sight to see. What would you like to work on clearing out of your solar plexus chakra over the next month? Let Venus witness your intention. The solar plexus is concerned with your power. What do you use to stand in the way of your powerful expression of you? Let these last couple days of Venus in powerful Aries inform your intention before Venus moves into Taurus on the 28th. My new favorite solar plexus essential oil is yummy Greenland Moss. Have you tried it?

New Moon in Gemini  – May 30

The Moon catches up to the Gemini Sun. We come full circle with the moon, back to the seed point of the next moon-th cycle. It’s time set our new moon intentions once again. This is a powerful way to connect monthly with earth and sky, remembering our ancestral ways of living in communion with nature and the cosmos.

If you’re in the Carbondale area, join me for an in person New Moon Ceremony, on Sunday May 29, 6-7:30 PM, in the beautiful Kiva. You can learn more about it here. Not in my area, check out my online New Moon Ceremony below.

Happy Eclipse season to you!


New Moon Ceremony Online – Monday, May 30 at 1 PM MST

(always recorded)