And, yet again, we have another big couple of weeks astrologically. We are indeed living in a momentous time. Let’s continue the energetic party with a Full Moon Eclipse in the early morning of the 26th. It’s the Super Blood Full Moon, if that gives you any hints to it’s power. Saturn just went retrograde on the 23rd and Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th. Reminder, this isn’t a bad thing! We have Saturn and Jupiter shining in the morning sky and Venus and Mars in the evening sky. You may be able to see Mercury for a bit longer as well, before it makes it’s way back under the beams of the Sun. Just to round out the intensity, there’s a Solar Eclipse with the next New Moon. We’re in Eclipse season folks.

May 26 – Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

This Full Moon features a passage through the Earth’s shadow, creating a lunar eclipse. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun through the Earth’s atmosphere and we are dazzled by a chromatic display. This is why it’s called the Blood Moon, for the red color it can turn in the Earth’s shadow. You can look here to see the visibility in your area. For me, in Colorado, I’ll be up bright and early before the Moon sets in the western sky to watch. Fingers crossed for some red hues before the sun rises.

Eclipses are considered a portal, a time outside of time. They provide an opening into other levels of consciousness and dimensions. They are an opening into the Divine allowing us access into greater awakenings. The portal opens around this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and continues through the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 10th. With the Lunar Eclipse, the Full Moon is literally passing through the Earth’s shadow, the place of hidden things. Everything exists down there in the shadowy Underworld, both the ecstatic and the scary. I imagine we’ll get triggered and feel our divinity simultaneously. There’s a lot of juice trying to move through us, if we want to allow it. Time to listen in the stillness, receive with open hearts and let the energies move through and around us. It’s not time for a bunch of over-busy doing or you’ll miss the transmissions. Be in the Moon’s sacred yin-ness.

The Earth is directly between the Gemini Sun and the Sagittarius Full Moon. These two archetypal energies are considered in service to spirit signs, in the Shamanic Astrology tradition. How does the Gemini Sun passing around the Earth project his light onto the Sagittarius Moon? What does that portal look like, feel like? What do you gain access into knowing at this unique time? Does it have to do with Sagittarius’ pursuit of the ultimate spiritual truths of the universe? Is it an initiation into the Underworld of Sagittarius and fanaticism? I can’t tell you. These are the mysteries we are all living within and have to do our own exploration and searches into what the portal offers for each of us. The key I can tell you is to get out there and watch, listen and commune with the lunar eclipse. We only learn and get glimpses into Spirit when we consciously interact with it. 

May 29 – Mercury Retrograde 

Misinformation abounds about poor maligned Mercury retrograde, the scapegoat of all things technical and communicative. Gosh, what did Mercury ever do to us to deserve this mistreatment and disrespect? Oh yeah, challenge our current modus operandi and boy, we sure don’t like that. Yet, isn’t that exactly what we’ve learned over the past year? How much we need to overhaul our current way of life? Mercury going retrograde every four months (or so) constantly gives us an opportunity to keep digging into our attachments and what we want to focus our energies upon.

Mercury retrograde gives our linear, left brains a well deserved rest. It helps us travel back to the time our ancestors traveled within, more circular, cyclical thinking and understanding of the world. It’s a time more rooted in our right brains, creativity and knowing our place in the cycle of life. We espouse we want to be more like our indigenous ancestors, well Mercury retrograde gives you a brief moment to put your money where your mouth is. Let go, make art, write poetry, take a walk in the woods just for the communion and not the work out. Talk to the trees and fairies and elementals. 

Mercury spends all it’s time close to the Sun from our earthly view, so is not only the ancient messenger from the Gods and Goddesses, but from Spirit itself. What sign does your Mercury lie within? That’s a clue for you on how you are here to understand and share Spirit’s messages for us. Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to lean into that and spend some time pondering what Spirit teaches you.

Thanks Spirit for helping us commune with your Eclipse offerings by bringing Mercury retrograde into the mix! We are so grateful!

May 31 and June 1 – Morning Sky Viewing

If you’re an early riser, or really late night owl, you’ve been able to see Saturn and Jupiter traveling through the sky. The Moon with be with these two wanderers in the morning sky over these two days, so it can help illuminate where these two ancient influencers currently are. Saturn supports our seeing our self-imposed limitations and Jupiter wants to expand us. Again, allow these celestial bodies to guide you through the Eclipses’ gateways.

June 2 – Waning Half Moon and Venus Enters Cancer

The Sun and Moon square off for the last quarter moon. If they are in a square or 90 degrees apart, that means they are both in the same modality. The Sun is in June’s Gemini sign, making the Moon 90 degrees away in Pisces. These are both in service to Spirit signs. Gemini in air and Pisces in Water. What does the watery Pisces Moon reflecting airy Gemini sun show us? How dipping into our feeling realm of dreams and visions supports our magical conscious understanding of Spirit? Just a thought. Gemini is so connected to the unseen spirits of nature, that maybe we can vision into the devas of the plants and trees at this time.

Venus leads the way into Cancer, still traveling through the root chakra. The Sacred Feminine moves into a current female (meaning gender) supported place, the archetypal mother. Another incredible support through the intense Eclipse portal – nurturance, self-care, unconditional self-love. Venus is at the root chakra, so grounding into our Mother, the Earth, is a part of this energy. This could include any needed clearing around our root chakras, such as grounding, mothering, our own power, safety and strength. 

June 10 – Annular Solar Eclipse with the Gemini New Moon

More on this next time… join my New Moon Ceremony here

Spiritual Aromatherapy for the Eclipse and More Energies 

Spikenard helps us move beyond the veil from both an Underworld and Celestial World place. It’s a root essence that grows high in the Himalayas. Flower essential oils to go with this Flower Moon are excellent too. Flower essences raise our vibrations big time, supporting us in allowing the energy to flow around and through us more easily. They help us connect more easily to the Divine. Essences like Osmanthus, Jasmine, and Narcissus. Tall trees such as Ponderosa Pine teach us to ground and be present while simultaneously receiving the light of the stars from above. All good Eclipse support! You can shop for these and other essential oils by clicking here.


Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification

Online Course Begins in June

Offered through Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils


Gemini New Moon Ceremony

Wednesday, June 9 at 4 PM MDT (always recorded)