Happy Scorpio – Lunar Beltane – Supermoon – Full Moon! It’s a big couple of astrological days! We can’t get enough of Beltane over these two weeks. The Sun gets cozy with Uranus. Venus rises into the evening sky. Mercury moves into Gemini, it’s archetypal buddy, with the waning half moon near Saturn and Jupiter. Then, Venus enters Gemini, the sign that began this Venus cycle, thus is the overtone of the entire 19-month Venus journey this year and last. Ready for the astrological weather report???

April 26 – Full Moon in Scorpio

The Moon is opposite the Taurus Sun placing the Full Moon in Scorpio. It’s a Supermoon, meaning the Moon is close to us, so appears extra large. It will be near Spica, the shaft of wheat or corn held by the Priestess (or Virgo) constellation. Spica is the star that starts the Vedic astrology wheel, so is very important in India, but also to all of us astrologers who commune with the sky. What’s not to worship about the Priestess in the sky?!?

The Full Moon, that follows the Sun entering Taurus (aka the Scorpio Full Moon) is the Lunar Beltane celebration, meaning it’s time to get outside tonight and watch the sunset and the Full Moon rise. It is time to honor the Goddess, be in our bodies, and feel the absolute pleasure the earth provides for us. Get your Taurus/Scorpio sensuality and sexuality on. Do anything that feels juicy, alive and good, good, good in your body. The Sun gets our focus at the Equinoxes and Solstices, so we honor the Moon and the Goddess at these cross quarter celebrations, where the season has really settled in with the “fixed” or self exploration signs such as Taurus and Scorpio. Do what turns you on!

We also have the Moon square Pluto, which then goes retrograde on the 27th. There’s some added juice, that Scorpio loves, of the underworld, deep feeling, deep healing realms, lit up by the Moon. More emphasis to get your turn ons… on or look at whatever blocks you from pure sensual enjoyment within your body. The Moon is also opposite all the rest of the Taurus line up of Uranus, Venus and Mercury, so a big ball of energy around this Taurus/Scorpio vibe. If you missed what I’ve written so far, get into doing something that makes you feel oh so yummy! Throw in a dose of the Moon squaring off with Saturn and Jupiter and you may feel some tension around doing what feels rapturous. Your wounds around pleasuring yourself (not just that kind) and shame may arise. It’s an excellent time to simply be present with whatever comes up for you.

April 30 – Official Beltane

The eve of April 30 into May 1 is the official yearly celebration of Beltane, so if you missed your opportunity at the Scorpio Full Moon, fear not. You can still dance around the maypole and re-enact the sacred marriage of the feminine and masculine in the privacy of your own home or out in the woods under the waning gibbous Moon.

Uranus in Taurus, like nearly everything else right now, gets up close and personal with the Sun, from our earthy view. Again, Uranus is a big player for 2021, so what does the Sun conjunct Uranus share with you? What cosmic consciousness needs to be shined down into us, on the earth, in our human bodies?

May 3 – Venus rises in the evening sky

Venus gets 10 degrees away from the Sun, so will possibly be visible in the evening sky, just after sunset. Depending upon where you live, you may see Venus sooner or later, so begin looking in the west for this gorgeous planet who shows us our Sacred Feminine expressions and lessons. Venus has been traveling with the Sun in the Underworld for several months now. She’s gone through her shamanic death, composting her hurts and is ready to reclaim her Divinity as she journeys into the wisdom of the evening sky in the west.

It’s the waning half Moon too, so look for the Moon up high in the morning sky. If you’re early enough, she’ll be near Saturn, then Jupiter on the 4th.

May 5 – Solar Beltane 

Yet, another Beltane celebratory opportunity! These cross quarter holi-days between the Equinoxes and Solstices just won’t quit. The Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus, thus is the astrological halfway point between the Spring Equinox at 0 degrees Aries and the Summer Solstice at 0 degrees Cancer. Refer back to what I wrote before if you feel unclear how to honor Beltane (wink, wink)! 

May 8

Venus enters Gemini, going back into the sign that started this Venus cycle off, back in June of last year. Summer of 2020, a lifetime ago. We have a doubling up of the Gemini energies around the Sacred Feminine now. Gemini is known for play, creativity mischief, all in service to Spirit. Gemini, most often known as the twins, is all about going so far into duality that it goes beyond polarity into the One of Spirit. The Divine Feminine dancing in Gemini for these 19-months and now entering that starting archetype again, further shows our collective intent to move beyond all this division and bring Her back into the forefront of our collective consciousness. We’re getting there, slowly but surely, so let’s link arms (and toes and legs) and keep going!

May 11 – Taurus New Moon

More on this next time…

Spiritual Aromatherapy for the Taurus/Scorpio/Beltane energies 

As we continue our juicy journey through Taurus, along with the Scorpio Moon, Ylang Ylang, Vetiver and Patchouli are excellent to use. They support you in getting rooted into your body and into the earth. They help you find your sexy, sensual vibes, while also supporting you in dealing with any fears or wounds that come up around this energy. You can shop for these and other essential oils by clicking here.

My next Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification online course begins in July. Click here to learn more about it.


Join My Taurus New Moon Ceremony

Tuesday, May 11 at 5:30 PM MDT (always recorded)