September is filled with dawn sky magic, priestess powers and a journey into the Underworld. It’s a month of inner communion and Earth reverence opportunities. Star heart mysticism and healing with empathy abound. We are encouraged to find the circular nature of life and step more into our creativity. Relationships are alive within and without. We are led into the caves of our beings and are guided to grow.

September Sky Viewing – still a daybreak delight with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all visible in the early morning sky. It’s quite a sight to see, as they span the ecliptic arc through the sky. That’s the path the Sun and solar system take through our heavens daily. These visible planets create a rainbow-like arch through the nighttime right now. After the sunset, you’re able to see Saturn, then Jupiter rise, even Mars if you’re a night owl. Venus will soon disappear within the rays of the Sun, so indulge yourself while the Venus getting is good!

Venus enters Virgo – September 4/5

Our Sacred Feminine planet moves into the Sacred Feminine sign of Virgo. Virgo is our Priestess or Druid archetype. She spends her time in communion with the Earth, studying the animals, plants, and cosmos to understand the pattern of the cyclical nature of our year. She is the one who notices we are approaching the time of the Equinox and lets us know it is time to harvest before the first frost (northern hemisphere) or plant the seeds as the last frost has passed (southern hemisphere). Of course, she would know the exact timings for your location and altitude!

Venus will be hanging with Regulus – the Heart of the Lion constellation on the 4th and 5th. Regulus is one of the royal stars, heralding the energies of the north, the June Solstice many years ago and is associated with Archangel Raphael. This alignment brings offerings of healing how we love-on ourselves and walk our sacred paths.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Libra – September 9

Far from the dreaded, negative experience we are so often warned about, Mercury going retrograde is a beautiful thing! It’s an opportunity to release our white-knuckled grip on left-brain, linear thinking. Although this can be uncomfortable for many of us, doesn’t it just feel like a relief to read that last sentence? My mind and heart say Amen, sister! Let us out of this never-ending, always forward driving, rat race. We may want to dive into our creativity. Spend time just being. Slow down. Take a breath. Drop into the cyclical right brain and feel the wholeness of doing AND being within our Souls.

Mercury stations retrograde within the Priestess constellation, bringing more of those holy vibes into September. Mercury is preparing to meet with the Sun and Venus, in the Underworld (hidden in the beams of the Sun, according to ancient peoples) and will be lending a helping hand to Venus as she passes through that alchemical cauldron of transformation within the light of the Sun for two and a half months.

Pisces Full Moon – September 10

The Sun is in Virgo, so the Full Moon opposite the Sun is in Pisces. Pisces is the healer and empath energy. Pisces feels all our feels and wants to create a safe space for us to do our internal healing work. Pisces loves to merge into the vibration of Spirit and spend time in that visionary, ecstatic state. What does it mean for the Pisces Moon to be reflecting Virgo sunlight? How about an opportunity to heal our divine connection to Mother Earth? Or finding visions and inspiration in communing with the sacred patterns seen in nature?

Venus moves into the Underworld – September 14 (ish)

We complete our journey with Venus in the morning sky. We’ve passed through the seven chakras and finally the earth star chakra beneath our feet, re-enacting the first myth we have written down on cuneiform tablets. We have been following in the footsteps of the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians as Inanna, actually the planet Venus, and her descent into the Underworld.

Venus is suddenly swallowed up by the horizon. We’ve watched her since January move through the morning sky, ahead of the sunrise, and now suddenly, poof, she’s gone. Where did she go? Into the Underworld for a special journey of transformation. It’s a journey of growth and empowerment that comes from dying to one part of ourselves so more of our real selves can be uncovered and birthed forward.

This time is an opportunity to set an intention about something you want to transform within yourself over these few months, until Venus rises into the evening sky on or around December 1. The Underworld is a beautiful place of growth, healing, transformation, empowerment, and rebirth. Venus in the Underworld offers us a time to consciously choose this within our Sacred Feminine aspects.

September Equinox – September 22

The Sun enters Libra signaling the Fall or Spring Equinox, depending upon your hemisphere. We move into the energy of the west, where the Sun sets daily, where all the stars and planets set daily. Libra is the sign of relationship, specifically wanting conscious partnerships. Libra discovers itself, who it is, through the mirror reflections of another. Where do I end, and you begin? What is me and what is you? The Equinox offers us a time to check in on our yearly intentions we set at the December Solstice, the new year. Where am I at with those? What wants doing to align me with those intentions? Do they need some reevaluation over this season before I arrive at the December Solstice to start anew?

Libra New Moon – September 25

First Mercury is exact with the Sun on the 23rd, moves into Virgo the priestess sign. Next the Moon meets with Venus, then Mercury and finally the Sun on the 25th for the Libra New Moon. That’s a lot of juice for this New Moon! We bring our conscious awareness of our inner priestess (Mercury) and Sacred Feminine (Venus) into our New Moon intention-setting ceremonies around the relationships with have with others and ourselves.

September Aromatherapy – for all this Priestess-focused moving into the Underworld energy

  • Blue Spruce – our Colorado state tree, thanks to middle schoolers, helps us connect into the aliveness of this land beneath our feet.
  • Lavender – so love lavender for Virgo! One of the most treasured and known about essential oils. She brings peace into our hearts and helps us revere the Earth and ourselves.
  • Vetiver – is a gentle, loving guide through the Underworld. She is steam distilled from the roots of a grass, which cleanses and purifies our emotional waters.
  • Spikenard – also distilled from the roots of a plant that grows high in the Himalayas, up to 16,000 feet, it helps us walk between the worlds of this earthly plane of Virgo and the Underworld to come.

Blessings on your journey through September!



New Moon Ceremony Online – Tuesday, Sept 27 at 1 PM MST

(always recorded)