Venus Fridays — May 10, 2024

Venus Fridays — May 10, 2024

Venus Fridays! The Sun meets with Uranus on Monday Divine Feminine happenings this week and the Astrological Aromatherapy to support us in navigating the energies.   The Moon is activating nearly all the planets this week with the waxing Leo half Moon on Wednesday. We...
Venus Fridays — May 3, 2024

Venus Fridays — May 3, 2024

Venus Fridays! Happy Taurus New Moon on Tuesday! What is happening with our Divine Feminine energy this week? What Astrological Aromatherapy will support us with it? It’s all about Taurus right now! The moon meets with Venus and then the Sun for the Taurus New...
Venus Fridays — April 19, 2024

Venus Fridays — April 19, 2024

Venus Fridays! Jupiter meets with Uranus on Saturday! Major astrology this week with lots of Divine Feminine energy activated as well. Let’s talk about the Sun entering Taurus with Mercury and Venus together today. Saturday brings us the major 2024 event of...
Venus Fridays — April 12, 2024

Venus Fridays — April 12, 2024

Venus Fridays! Cancer half Moon on Monday! What is happening with the Divine Feminine this week? The Moon plays a big role this week, activating the Masculine, Saturn and the Feminine. We have a waxing Cancer half Moon of feeling our feelings, emphasized by our mental...
Venus Fridays — April 5, 2024

Venus Fridays — April 5, 2024

Venus Fridays! Aries Solar Eclipse on Monday! The Divine Feminine is experiencing a lot this week! She just entered Aries, getting her warrioress energy on. She connects with Pluto and then passes through the Earth Star Chakra gate. This just before the Aries New Moon...
Venus Friday — March 29, 2024

Venus Friday — March 29, 2024

Venus Fridays! Neptune dreams for the Feminine The Feminine is going through a lot this week! She’s activated by the Moon twice, bringing up our feelings. Mercury goes retrograde on April Fool’s Day — how perfect is that?!? Venus connects intimately with...
Venus Fridays — March 22, 2024

Venus Fridays — March 22, 2024

Venus Fridays! Using the Eclipse Portal for Growth and Transformation Divine Feminine happenings this week. But first Mars, the Divine Masculine enters Pisces, the watery healer sign. We have the opening of the eclipse window with the Libra lunar eclipse on Sunday...