Explore Why You're Here & Live Your Soul's Intended Path

Empowering You through Alchemical Astrology & Spiritual Aromatherapy
Get my FREE Guide to Astrology & Aromatherapy

Remember Who You Are and Who You Came Here to Be

We get lost, caught up in daily life and so easily forget we are spiritual beings who came here for a bigger reason.

We focus on work, helping others, our children, our partners, our community. We lose sight of ourselves, our growth, our divine paths.

We feel something is missing, but what? We know there has to be more to this life than the daily work grind, carpools and laundry, caught up in the chores of day to day living.

We are yearning for deeper meaning and connection to something larger than our calendar schedules. We want to see the forest, not just the trees. We desire to know our life’s purpose. We want to know our Soul’s intent for this lifetime and live it!

How do we remember? How do we make sure we are on the path of our original intent? How do we discover and then fulfill our Soul’s desire for evolution and growth?

We look to the moment we drew our first breaths. We look back to our indigenous roots, our ancestor’s divine knowledge. We look to the Earth and the Cosmos to reflect our inner knowing.

You Don’t Have To Figure It Out All By Yourself

I can work with you to help you answer these questions and uncover your Soul’s evolutionary path for this lifetime. I can help you embrace your life’s journey with deep meaning and purpose! By combining Alchemical Astrology and Plant Spirit Medicine, I’ll help you remember who you are and guide you to living your most conscious and fulfilling life. Feel grounded in knowing you’re doing what you came here to do and be empowered in your own Soul’s unique journey. 

In all my years of studying the magical realms, I have never had anyone explain my birth chart like that. It was the clearest reading about my work here that I have ever had. 

Lyndsey A

What I Do

Life doesn’t have to be random, filled with meaningless tasks or feel purposeless. It’s an incredible opportunity to uncover your Soul’s purpose and reconnect with your original intent in a deeply powerful way.

With my spiritually holistic approach, you can embark on a journey to know your Soul and your true Self, filled with the strength and power in knowing your purpose and enjoying a conscious connection to all of life.

Alchemical Astrology

By looking at the moment of your birth, we can determine what your Soul’s intent for this lifetime was. Like a map, we can explore what your Soul came here to learn this time. That knowledge guides you and validates what you know is right for you.

Spiritual Aromatherapy

Using spiritual grade essential oils to support you on your Soul’s individual journey. I’ll provide a protocol that supports you on your unique path and helps you accomplish your spiritual goals and doing what you came here to do.

Ceremonial Journeys

I offer ongoing ceremonies and online classes on Alchemical Astrology, Spiritual Aromatherapy, Venus Alchemy & the Divine Feminine. I offer monthly New Moon Ceremonies in Carbondale, Colorado. Join me to learn more about yourself.

That might have been the best reading I’ve ever received! My head is filled up with creative ideas towards my life purpose.

Jaclyn McCabe

It’s my personal mission to help my clients and students step into their full power through discovering why they are here and then following their unique paths. You incarnated for a reason and your Soul has a very specific intent in what you came here to learn.

Your birth chart gives you the map to understanding exactly what that is. Spiritual Aromatherapy gives you the support to keep you on track and guides you to fulfilling your purpose.

Sheridan Semple

I want to shift the confusion and lack of purpose we all question.

Life can be a powerful journey if we learn how to consciously interact with it. If we can understand our original intent for being here, we can engage with our lives in a way that is filled with purpose and meaning.

Even the hard times become so much more doable when we understand the reasoning behind them, our Soul’s intended evolution.

This approach changes the way you see yourself, your life, and gives you an opportunity to find and do what feels right. It’s so validating to know deep inside you are on your path and doing what you came here to do. 

It’s a game changer!

I’ve had my fair share of doubt and confusion, wondering if what I’m doing is right. But when I discovered spiritual aromatherapy, it set me on a path that not only felt right, but began to open me in ways I never imagined.

Finding Alchemical Astrology changed the course of my life forever, as I began to completely understand my current life path and find meaning in all of my life experiences, even the yucky ones.

Now, I want to share my knowledge of the earth’s medicine and the sky’s road map to support you, asking questions about why you are here and help you reconnect with your true selves. Are you ready to know your Soul’s intent for this lifetime?

Read More About Sheridan –>

I have a greater sense of direction of my life path. I really felt torn between the sort of clinical research side of my work and the more fun spiritual side of my work. It gave me permission to focus on some things that I had wanted to pursue but was afraid wasn’t the right choice. It became clear what was more in alignment with my truth and what were expectations I was putting on myself based on society and what I thought I ‘should’ be doing.

Kristin Vergara - Spiritual Mentor, Coach and Tarot Reader

I offer a multi-dimensional approach to help you figure out why you’re here and deeply connect with your Soul, by consciously participating in your own unique life’s  path.

Life brings so many questions and concerns, wondering if we’re on the “right” path. It can be so frustrating, banging our heads against the walls, trying to figure it out. Society often limits us in our choices and paths, making it harder for us to be who we truly are and do what we came here to do. Many of us have no idea what that even is, or we may have an idea but feel we can’t allow ourselves to pursue those courses of action.

Click to Read More

Cue the depression, anxiety, and feeling at the mercy of everything around you. You thought by now you’d have it all figured out. You’d  know what you’re doing and who you are. Surprise, it doesn’t so easily work out like that in this day and age. You’re overbusy, overstretched, just trying to make it through your days. But, something is missing…

My solution helps people find clarity and a deep sense of purpose. It starts you on the path to a deeper connection to yourself, your Soul, your purpose. It connects you to the natural cycles surrounding you, the clues and meaning in everyday life. The Universe is speaking to you in every moment. I teach you how to tune in and listen and hear the messages.

I believe that the dissatisfaction you’re feeling and the yearning you’re experiencing are colliding for deeper reasons, and I support you on your journey to rediscover your purpose. Together, we dive into your unique chart and lay out your road map to the most incredible sense of doing what you came here to do. 

Through Alchemical Astrology sessions and a personalized Spiritual Aromatherapy program, you’ll start to feel grounded, with a sense of meaning, and begin to raise your vibration daily to better rise to what you came here to do. 

It’s your time to connect to the wise person you are becoming, embrace this call to be yourself and live from your Soul.

Get started by scheduling an Alchemical Astrology reading, so we can create a plan to help you feel inspired again and step into your incredible power!

While I am based in Aspen, I work with all my clients virtually via Zoom.

Feel Empowered and Full of Purpose in 3 Simple Ways

Alchemical Astrology Readings

We start with looking at your unique birth chart and finding your Soul’s intent for this lifetime. Why are you here? What have you come here to do? What are you naturally good at? What are you learning about? We discover your Soul’s unique evolutionary path.

We look at how you can fulfill your purpose in being here and how to learn the lessons presented to you in your natal chart

Includes astro-aromatherapy suggestions that help you on your path, supporting whichever areas you feel you need help with right now.

On Zoom OR In Person 

Ongoing Astrology Readings

We continue looking at your birth chart in relation to questions you have about it, any questions from our previous session(s) and how you’re navigating your life currently.

We explore the astrological cycles you are experiencing at this time and how to work with them more consciously. What they are these current cycles trying to teach you? What is the intention behind them? We discuss how to best navigate them.

Includes continued astro-aromatherapy suggestions to support the work you’re doing now.

On Zoom OR In Person

Venus Alchemy Ceremonial Journey

Venus teaches us about the Sacred Feminine within each one of us as well as around us in the world at large. We all feel the Feminine coming back online and connecting to Venus is a powerful way to help midwife the return of this powerful energy.

Join an engaging and empowering Ceremonial Journey with Venus and the Divine Feminine. Connect with the most ancient Goddess energies, empower your Divine Feminine within, tracking Venus through the sky while healing your chakras. Exponentially increase your intention and experience through the power of group intention.  

sheridan semple

FREE Moon Sisters Mondays

Weekly teachings on Divine Feminine Astrology, Changing your Life with the Moon Cycles, and Venus Alchemy

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