Emotional Rescue with Essential Oils

Emotional Rescue with Essential Oils

Emotions can be super intense both good and bad. They can completely overwhelm us and literally hijack our entire day or week, or more, challenging us to deal with our emotions and daily lives at the same time. It is hard to know what to do to help ourselves when we...
Sick of Getting Bit? Natural Bug Repellents

Sick of Getting Bit? Natural Bug Repellents

It is definitely bug season now! Our local nature preserve flooded this spring and it is a mosquito haven now, with lots of flesh exposed stand up paddle boarders ripe for the pickings! This got me (well actually my husband) to thinking that I should write about...
Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 2

Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 2

There’s LOTS of misinformation our there about essential oils! Heck, even many of the so called “experts” don’t even agree with each other! It can be frustrating at best and downright overwhelming and stop you from even going there at worst. I get it! One of the...
Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 1

Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 1

Do essential oils even work? They smell nice and all, but do they even do anything? What are essential oils? Are they safe? What’s the deal with essential oils or aromatherapy anyway? I get these questions all the time, because I use essential oils predominantly with...
Probiotics: A Case of Good vs Evil

Probiotics: A Case of Good vs Evil

Good bacteria = Superhero = Probiotics; Bad bacteria = Evil Villain. We all want to see the superheros kick the bad guy’s butts (pun intended)! Probiotics are all over the place these days. So, what’s the big deal with them anyway? Our bodies have lots and lots of...
Sugar – Not All Is Created Equal

Sugar – Not All Is Created Equal

We all know that sugar is getting a bad rap these days, bad, bad, bad, and it is well deserved. Even 60 Minutes has gotten in on the shaming with the story about cocaine-addicted lab rats choosing sugar over coke – every single time! I’m not claiming sugar is a health...
What Is A Detox Really?

What Is A Detox Really?

Detoxing – what does that really mean? We understand the definition: “the process of removing toxic substances”, but how does that translate into your experience? What does that really look or feel like in your body? Images of a detox center often come up with addicts...