April Astrology & Aromatherapy

April Astrology & Aromatherapy

April brings us into the start of eclipse season with a solar eclipse at the second Aries New Moon. Mercury retrogrades through Taurus. Taurus season kicks off with the Sun’s movement into that garden of earthly delights sign. More evidence of spring here in wintery...
March Astrology & Aromatherapy

March Astrology & Aromatherapy

Buckle up, March is a massive month astrologically! Phew! Huge stuff is going down or up as the case may be. Both Saturn and Pluto change signs. We move into the heart chakra with Venus. Mars moves into mothering Cancer. There is a lot of shifting, changing energy...
February Astrology & Aromatherapy

February Astrology & Aromatherapy

February Sky Viewing Feb 5 – Full Moon Feb 22 – Moon, Venus and Jupiter together in the evening sky Feb 26 – Moon and near the Pleiades, on the edge of the Lakota sacred hoop, in the evening sky Feb 27 – Moon with Mars Imbolc – Feb 2-5 February brings the Celtic...
New Year New You – Your Rising Sign

New Year New You – Your Rising Sign

It’s official! We’re well into a new year! I love that “wiped the slate clean” feeling. What do you want to create in this new year for yourself? How does astrology support you in being more you?  Astrology is all about why you’re here! Why did your soul come here and...
New Mars Cycle Begins – Dec 7

New Mars Cycle Begins – Dec 7

We’re about to start the new Mars cycle! It’s so exciting! This will be a Gemini Mars cycle. When Mars reaches its opposition with the Sun, we begin a brand new 25-month Mars cycle. Think of Mars reaching its full Moon point, exactly opposite the Sun in the sky. The...
December Astrology & Aromatherapy

December Astrology & Aromatherapy

December starts off powerfully with Venus rising into the evening sky on the 1st. It might take a few days to see her after the Sun sets in the western sky, depending upon your location and horizon line. Mars starts his new two-year cycle this month. Mercury goes...
Why Isn’t Every Full Moon a Lunar Eclipse?

Why Isn’t Every Full Moon a Lunar Eclipse?

Or for that matter, why isn’t every new Moon a solar eclipse? We have a new Moon and full Moon every month, but eclipse seasons only twice a year. Why is that? It’s because the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun only twice a year and the Moon moves through the...
November Astrology & Aromatherapy

November Astrology & Aromatherapy

November rises from the depths of the Underworld into the heights of the Celestial World. We start off with Celtic Samhain and the Lunar Eclipse all on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, then move rapidly out into the fires of Sagittarius. We swing from the depths to the...
October Astrology & Aromatherapy

October Astrology & Aromatherapy

October is filled with a solar eclipse, Underworld themes, and Scorpio depths. There are plenty of opportunities to look into the deeps of our hearts, into the caves we hide our shame within, and bring the vibration of self-love and compassion into our hurts. Bringing...