Cravings As Clues

Cravings As Clues

Cravings can rule our lives! We’ll be going along fine, minding our own business and then wham-o, some food, drug, drink, etc. comes into our attention and we’re off to the races full on craving that thing. Sometimes it’s manageable and other times it’s obsessive and...
Environmentalism and Big Pharma Don’t Mix

Environmentalism and Big Pharma Don’t Mix

We all like to think we’re environmentalists, right? We want to help the planet, improve the situation, not worsen it, right? Trying to do our parts by driving less, getting hybrid cars, recycling, bringing our own bags to the market – yay for us! But, did you ever...
Going Deeper into Self-Healing

Going Deeper into Self-Healing

We often use essential oils, or herbs and supplements for that matter, in an allopathic manner, meaning the way medical doctors do with pharmaceutical drugs. We use them to treat the symptoms we’re experiencing. Essential oils can do that and are a huge help – real...
What Can Essential Oils Do For You?

What Can Essential Oils Do For You?

What can essential oils do for you? More like, what can’t they do! I was introduced to the incredible power of essential oils by the traditional Naturopath I apprenticed with, and my first thoughts were, “Aromatherapy is nice and all for smelling, but can it really do...
Holiday Essential Oils

Holiday Essential Oils

The holidays are upon us! Here in Aspen we can feel the tsunami coming! Over Christmas and New Year’s our population goes from 6,700 to a whopping 27,000! Regardless of where we live the holidays often bringing us needing some extra support. I thought let’s talk about...
Emotional Rescue with Essential Oils

Emotional Rescue with Essential Oils

Emotions can be super intense both good and bad. They can completely overwhelm us and literally hijack our entire day or week, or more, challenging us to deal with our emotions and daily lives at the same time. It is hard to know what to do to help ourselves when we...
Sick of Getting Bit? Natural Bug Repellents

Sick of Getting Bit? Natural Bug Repellents

It is definitely bug season now! Our local nature preserve flooded this spring and it is a mosquito haven now, with lots of flesh exposed stand up paddle boarders ripe for the pickings! This got me (well actually my husband) to thinking that I should write about...
Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 2

Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 2

There’s LOTS of misinformation our there about essential oils! Heck, even many of the so called “experts” don’t even agree with each other! It can be frustrating at best and downright overwhelming and stop you from even going there at worst. I get it! One of the...
Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 1

Myth Busting Essential Oils: Part 1

Do essential oils even work? They smell nice and all, but do they even do anything? What are essential oils? Are they safe? What’s the deal with essential oils or aromatherapy anyway? I get these questions all the time, because I use essential oils predominantly with...