Happy New Year! I love this time of year because it is filled with so much hope. I also like it because most everyone is focused on their health, their lives, and their bodies – all music to my Holistic Health Practitioner ears! It’s so great when people want to heal themselves and their ways and do better. Those are my favorite clients… motivated, and this time of year brings out the motivation in all of us!

We made it through the debauchery of the holidays and all the stress too. We’re ready for fresh starts and new beginnings. The Winter Solstice has passed and we’re stepping into the light again. It’s the perfect time to set new goals, have new intentions, and commit to changes that will benefit us and those around us. Some of us want to change our nutrition and eat healthier, or take some foods not serving us out. Some may want to drink less alcohol and add in more water. Some are committed to really get in shape and hit the gym or get outside for a jog regularly. And, some are committing to a regular spiritual practice, like daily meditation.

Whatever you’re making your New Year’s resolutions about, it’s gonna take some perseverance and skills to really change those habits. If it was easy, we’d already be doing it. So, how do we make sure we succeed this year? We have to look at the changes from a holistic perspective. We’ve got to look at them from all angles, not just the “I want it, so I’m gonna do it” angle. Like I said, if it were as easy as only setting our minds to the task, these desires would be a thing of the past.

First, we need to look at the goal we want to achieve. We can’t arrive anywhere without knowing where we want to go. Next we have to come up with strategies for our success – such as coping mechanisms in place for the days you don’t want to jog or meditate. For example, you’ve already planned out ahead of time, that on those days you’ll walk instead because that feels doable or you’ll focus on your breathing for 5 minutes, again because that feels doable. You also need escape valves for when you just want to say, “F*@k it!” cuz you know those days are coming too. Planning ahead for the less successful days can help you stay the course for the long term, because it isn’t about never eating sugar again, but about feeling better in your skin.

Along with the plans for less motivated days, build in some rewards for the successes! It’s important to not let “bad” days derail your goals, and it’s just as important to acknowledge and celebrate the milestones you accomplish. You know yourself the best, so lay out plans and rewards that you know will work for you. And, then tell people! Tell your closest friend or loved one. Get that stuff out in the open, in the light of the day. Don’t keep it just in your own head, where it is all too easy to bail when the going gets tough. Reach out and ask for support in making the changes you know will make you feel better.

Of course, I’m always here to help you! That’s what I love to do, and what lights me up! Sometimes it’s about more than making a resolution, and then going it alone. Talking to a trusted holistic health coach can make all the difference, as it helps to get outside of your head and have someone in your corner guiding you, supporting you, and helping you find the solutions that work for you and only you. A pro can teach you how how to add in healthy stuff that dampens down the cravings and makes you feel better so the motivation comes more easily.

I wish you the best success in your holistic health goals this year. I’m here if I can help!