November starts off following Halloween, still in the celebration of the Celtic midseason holiday of Samhain. This offers a time to connect with our ancestors and those that have passed over. They say it is when we can more easily walk between the worlds of the living and the dead, when the veil is considered thin. So, that’s the energy we are rolling into November with. What are you feeling as we continue to move into the darkness of the yearly solar cycle?

November Sky Viewing

  • Morning sky – Venus — she is high and bright!
  • Evening sky – Saturn
  • All night – Jupiter

If you are out in the early morning, look for Venus in the east and Jupiter in the west.

Saturn stations Direct – Nov 4

The planet most associated with the “real” world ends its 4-month retrograde cycle. Think of things speeding up again, leading us into the holiday season. It’s interesting to note that Samhain is the start of the Celtic New Year. It marks a time of deepening into the stillness of the darkness for us in the northern hemisphere. You may feel an internal pull to slow down, go inward and rest, yet our calendar year is ramping up with social engagements, spending money, and the end of off season. We are receiving a forceful push out of the internal. How do we navigate both? Can we even do both?

Spikenard – a Himalayan native is an excellent edge-walker support, helping us traverse the under- and celestial worlds. It is a flowering plant that grows in the highest mountains but is distilled from the root.

Astrological Solar Samhain – Nov 7

Astrologically speaking the autumnal cross-quarter time occurs when the Sun reaches the exact midway point between the fall equinox and the winter solstice — 15 degrees of Scorpio. That is today.

Long ago and regaining popularity now is the feminine tradition of celebrating Samhain at the first full Moon after the Sun enters Scorpio. That was the Taurus lunar eclipse just over a week ago.

Regardless of how you mark the change from the equinox towards the solstice, we are rapidly moving into the shadiest time of the year. There is a quietness that comes after the final harvest is done. We are ready to settle into the icy winter time out, rejuvenating through quietness. For us modern spiritualists, this inner pull clashes with the holidays coming quickly and the impending ski season. What’s a modern witch or druid to do? How do we allow our bodies and minds rest during the busyness? That is an alchemy each of us must traverse.

Vetiver – another root essence, helps calm our nervous systems and grounds us as we crisscross these seeming incongruities.

Venus enters Libra and Meets with the Moon – Nov 8 and 9

Our Divine Feminine rep in the sky moves into the sign of personal relationships and immediately moves through the throat chakra gate (according to the oldest Venus mythology we have). This feels very communication important in our relationships. Perfect timing with Thanksgiving as we gather with our families and friends. Might be time to iron out those boundaries with our loved ones. Challenges could inspire using our voices to honor our truths in light of the reflections others often provide.

Rhododendron – helps us to connect with our spiritual family, thus is a great Libra supporter.

Scorpio New Moon – Nov 13

November can be an intense time as we swim through Scorpio’s tumultuous waters. We’re in the fixed part of the fall season. Scorpio likes to dive into the deeps and soar up to the heights. There is no middle ground for Scorpio. It is only interested in the extremes and the aliveness that intensity brings.

If you’re in the Aspen, Colorado area, join me at True Nature for a Scorpio New Moon Ceremony, Sunday, November 12, 6-7:30 PM. Learn more about the current astrology and set intentions for this moon-th cycle. Come play with astrological aromatherapy for Scorpio too. Learn more and register here.  I’d love to do ceremony in person with you!

Mars Cazimi – Nov 17

Our Divine Masculine planet meets in the heart of the Sun, deep in the underworld, again in Scorpio… so much Scorpio. The Masculine is in serious need of healing and balancing. Scorpio cazimi is just the hu-man for the job. Scorpio is concerned with the watery, feeling realm of life, where the deep healing occurs. We must face the shadow of the masculine to rebuild it. That goes for all of us no matter how we identify. Mars traversing the underworld (until January) is an excellent time to look at the ways we individually and collectively uphold the unhealthy masculine, propping it up and keeping it alive.

Do you stuff any feelings? Are you busy pointing the finger instead of doing your internal healing work? Do you think you’re superior to others? Do you turn to the masculine instead of the feminine to guide you, teach you, support you?

Pine – all the various Pine essences help us to align with the healthy masculine vibrations.

Sun enters Sagittarius – Nov 22

We move out of the watery depths of Scorpio and into the mountainous heights of Sagittarius, fiery, exploring, seeking. Out of the emotional realm and into the intuitional one. Our life force, light-providing star moves into the spiritual quest phase of its astrological cycle. What are you pursuing? How do you feel pulled to understanding the greater mysteries of life? Are you feeling called to connect with your spiritual side more? Sagittarius says, “Let’s go!”

Gemini Full Moon – Nov 27

Let’s finish out November with the fun-seeking, youthful, and playful Gemini full Moon. This feels like a temporary lightening of the energy as we step into the full holiday season. Can you use this energy to celebrate yourself and your people? Maybe this time can break us out of our well-worn boxes in search of letting our inner children play more again. Ski season just got underway. We’re full from Thanksgiving feasts and social interactions. Gemini wants to keep the good times rolling.

Basil — a great Gemini essence to balance our brains and bring a lightness to our beings.

Wishing you well on your journey through November,


Sheridan Semple, Alchemical Astrologer, Spiritual Aromatherapist, and Earth and Sky Artist

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