As we head into the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on May 26th, there is some intense energy out there. Normally, I think of Taurus as a yummy, juicy, enjoying the pleasures of my body time. But, this New Moon in Taurus is charged, ripe with the foreshadowing of the Lunar Eclipse Super Blood Moon coming. Not to mention both Jupiter and the Sun change archetypes and Saturn goes retrograde. We also have Venus freshly out of the Underworld moving through the root chakra gate, so anything going on with how you ground into the Taurus earthy energies is in your face (or yoni as the case may be). Buckle your seat belts girls and boys, the ride’s not over yet!

May 11 – New Moon in Taurus

The Sun and Moon join forces in Taurus, the archetypal sign that helps us remember the garden of earthly delights. Up here in the northern hemisphere it is spring and every moment we see another example of the beauty of our Mother Earth. While I’m writing this, out my window, the Aspen trees have their fresh, bright green, new baby leaves – one of my favorite sights and colors. Taurus season is a visual smorgasbord of yumminess!

New Moon is the seed point of the monthly Moon cycle. We plant intentions in the luscious earth to sprout and grow us in our desired directions. Join me for my monthly New Moon Ceremony here. We’ll dive deeper into Taurus and talk about everything goin on astrologically too. Taurus is the most embodied archetype, so plant your seat on the earth as part of your ceremonial day. With all the energies circling, you may feel triggered around grounding. I know I’m feeling it! Anything coming up just shows we’re ready to heal this next layer of the onion.

It’s a beautiful time of the month to connect with the dark night sky and commune with the celestial beings. Ground into the Taurus earth and ask a star for guidance or to just simply be your friend. Watch what happens over the coming days, if you make this a regular part of your practice. What seemingly random messages do you get? Trust them!

May 12 – Venus at the Root Chakra

Hot on the heels of the New Moon, the tiniest sliver of crescent Moon comes together with Venus. This signifies Venus moving into the root chakra on her evening sky journey back up from the Underworld. Watch after the Sun sets for the crescent Moon and Venus come alive in the pink sky. It’s a month of checking in with your root and reclaiming your power – security, stability, grounding, feeling your true strength.

May 13 – Jupiter enters Pisces

Jupiter moves from consciousness-focused Aquarius into heart-feeling Pisces. We drop from the mind into our hearts, really from cosmic consciousness into our collective heart. Feel the waves of emotion, but also the merging into the One. Jupiter expands this empathy and deep feeling. Compassion and holding space for the collective grief we all need to express. Grief brings us back into our hearts. In this time of the Kali Yuga and the dismantling of the patriarchy, we need to grieve how we abandoned ourselves in the illusion and get back into feeling our hearts. I have no doubt Jupiter entering Pisces (which happens every 12 years-ish) will help us on this journey to reclaim our Sacred Feminine and heal the distortions within the Sacred Masculine. 

May 19 – Evening Sky Viewing

Look for the waxing half Moon near Regulus, the heart of the Lion constellation. This is the star that was rising at my birth, so is a very special star to me. What stars are special to you and your chart’s teachings?

May 20 – Sun into Gemini

Sun enters Gemini, joining Venus and the north node, setting us up for the Super Blood Moon Eclipse in 6 days. Eclipses only happen twice a year, when the Sun and Moon meet at one of the Moon’s nodes. The nodes are where the path of the Sun and the path of the Moon intersect. That’s the only way that we all align, putting the Full Moon into Earth’s shadow for the red Lunar eclipse. 

Back to the Sun entering Gemini, the playful, creative archetype that is in service to Spirit. Gemini marks the feeling of summer for us in the northern hemisphere, where we want to get out (of school) and run and play and just enjoy life.

May 23 – Saturn Retrograde

This Middle World planet that shows us objectively how we’re doing is getting a long viewing from our earthly perspective. In our current times, Saturn has been hijacked by the patriarchy into this malevolent force that judges and finds us wanting. Saturn is really just here to help us stay on, or get back on, the right track. Boy, have we taken that waaaay too far into these screaming “shoulds” and overdoing as the path to success. Saturn retrograde is an excellent time to take an honest look at yourself and see if you are truly following your own unique path and not societies or anyone else’s. 

May 26 – Sagittarius Super Blood Full Moon

More on this next time… but it happens early on the 26th, so plan to get out early that morning to see it (if it’s visible in your area).

Spiritual Aromatherapy for the Taurus++ Energies 

Grounding is the name of the game right now. Taurus loves the sensual juiciness of the flower essences, such as Ylang Ylang, which does double duty to help us into our root chakras. I’m also feeling a lot of Vetiver – a root for the root. Patchouli (a spiritual grade essential oil doesn’t smell like dirty deadheads, BTW) opens your root chakra like nothing else! Of course, you could venture into using any tree essence as well, such as Red Pine or Red Spruce, if you’re looking for more gentle grounding. You can shop for these and other essential oils by clicking here.

Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification online course begins in July (maybe June now). Click here to learn more about it.


Join My Taurus New Moon Ceremony

Tuesday, May 11 at 5:30 PM MDT (always recorded)