Don’t miss this week’s sky show

Don’t miss this week’s sky show

Venus is elegantly rising into the evening sky once again. Look for her to make a soft appearance in the western dusk sky, Do you know what astrology is really all about? Getting out under the big sky and communing with the planets and stars. Astronomy and astrology...
Happy Solar Return, Miss America!

Happy Solar Return, Miss America!

It’s America’s birthday on Thursday. The United States is having its solar return. Did you realize our country is a Cancer? The U.S. (and the rest of us) experience a solar return around our birthdays. That’s when the sun returns to the exact location in the sky as it...
Venus Fridays — June 7, 2024

Venus Fridays — June 7, 2024

Venus Fridays! Divine Feminine energy this week! We are still within the 1° of Venus meeting exactly with the Sun last Tuesday. Within this Venus-Sun conjunction, we are still within yesterday’s Gemini New Moon energy. All this is happening with Venus still in...
The Sun and Venus Meet in Gemini!

The Sun and Venus Meet in Gemini!

One of the major events within the Venus cycle, meeting with the sun, is occurring on Tuesday — giving the divine feminine a massive energetic infusion.  But first, Mercury follows the sun, Venus and Jupiter into Gemini on Monday — Mercury’s happy place.  Mercury, our...
Venus Fridays — May 31, 2024

Venus Fridays — May 31, 2024

Venus Fridays! Venus meets with the Sun in Gemini Divine Feminine energy this week! Venus and the Sun meet in Gemini! It’s a huge week for the Divine Feminine! The Feminine is getting a massive infusion of energy from the Sun. Venus is literally in the Heart of...
Venus Fridays — May 24, 2024

Venus Fridays — May 24, 2024

Venus Fridays! Jupiter Enters Gemini Divine Feminine energy this week! Venus entered Gemini yesterday and Jupiter enters Gemini tomorrow! Lots of trickster, youthful, getting out of our boxes energy about. Both underworld planets, Pluto and Chiron connect with Venus...
It’s Gemini season — enjoy yourself

It’s Gemini season — enjoy yourself

The sun is changing zodiac signs Monday! Gemini season is upon us. Time to have some fun. Make a little mischief. Get out of your box. Moving from Taurus into Gemini’s sun phase signals one month until the summer solstice. It’s happening — long sunny days are nearly...
Venus Fridays — May 17, 2024

Venus Fridays — May 17, 2024

Venus Fridays! Both the Sun and Venus Enter Gemini How to tune into the Divine Feminine energy this week! We start off with a trine Virgo Moon to Taurus Venus, empowering our embodied aspect of the Feminine. Next Venus meets with Uranus as the Sun meets with Jupiter,...