by Sheridan Semple | Oct 31, 2022 | Astrology
November rises from the depths of the Underworld into the heights of the Celestial World. We start off with Celtic Samhain and the Lunar Eclipse all on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, then move rapidly out into the fires of Sagittarius. We swing from the depths to the...
by Sheridan Semple | Oct 1, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
October is filled with a solar eclipse, Underworld themes, and Scorpio depths. There are plenty of opportunities to look into the deeps of our hearts, into the caves we hide our shame within, and bring the vibration of self-love and compassion into our hurts. Bringing...
by Sheridan Semple | Sep 10, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
We passed through our last chakra gate when the waning crescent Moon met with Venus one last time, a couple of weeks ago (see photo I took of this at bottom). On September 14 Venus will become lost from our sights into the bright light of the Sun. Venus is there one...
by Sheridan Semple | Sep 1, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
September is filled with dawn sky magic, priestess powers and a journey into the Underworld. It’s a month of inner communion and Earth reverence opportunities. Star heart mysticism and healing with empathy abound. We are encouraged to find the circular nature of life...
by Sheridan Semple | Aug 19, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
Venus is rapidly approaching our final chakra on our descent with her into the Underworld. The crescent Moon meeting with Venus, next week on Thursday, August 25, signifies our passing into the Earth Star Chakra for a mere three weeks before Venus becomes hidden in...
by Sheridan Semple | Aug 1, 2022 | Astrology
August starts with one of the major astrological aspects for 2022! Mars, the North Node and Uranus all come together. This conjunction signals an intention for actional change in the direction we’re heading. Mars, our Sacred Masculine planet, asks for action. The...
by Sheridan Semple | Jul 16, 2022 | Astrology
New to astrology? Wondering where to start? Start with the Big Three! One – what’s your Moon sign? Two – what’s your Sun sign? Three – what’s your Rising sign? Learning astrology can feel overwhelming to begin, so let’s get down to basics and build from there....
by Sheridan Semple | Jun 29, 2022 | Astrology
We head into July days after the Cancer New Moon on June 28. There is still time to set your monthly Moon intention. Perhaps you want to bring Venus entering the sacral chakra gate, on June 26, into this intention as well. Perhaps with a focus on clearing blockages to...
by Sheridan Semple | Jun 20, 2022 | Astrology
Happy June Solstice! Looking for the signs or archetypes around me deepens my understanding of them. As a spiritual aromatherapist, I look to the plants to teach me about life. As a Shamanic Astrologer I look to the sky and the earth to teach me how to better...
by Sheridan Semple | May 31, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
June is a fabulous month for sky viewing opportunities. If you’re seeking your Junior Astronomy Badge (like me) the morning sky offers many special alignments this month. Mercury goes direct right to get us started. We might even get to see the elusive messenger of...
by Sheridan Semple | May 19, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
It takes time to learn astrology. The undertaking cannot be rushed. No matter how hard we try, or how much time we devote to the task, mastering astrology requires time, lots of time… years of time. Give yourself space and allow the journey to unfold. Mindfully walk...
by Sheridan Semple | Apr 29, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
I was going to start by writing that we finally have a mellower month astrologically, but May begins with the opening of eclipse season. That blows mellow out of the water! The time between the solar eclipse on April 30 and the lunar eclipse on May 15 is a powerful...
by Sheridan Semple | Apr 21, 2022 | Astrology
April Astrology & Aromatherapy with Sheridan Semple The warrior Aries New Moon jump starts April. We’ve crossed over the March Equinox point, where the Sun moved into Aries. Now the Moon comes around to join the Sun, for the Aries New Moon. Venus will join...
by Sheridan Semple | Mar 23, 2022 | Astrology
We’ve just passed the March Equinox point. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, this marks the kickoff to spring. Considering it was -8 degrees at my house this morning, spring isn’t coming fast enough! For southern hemisphere dwellers, you’re moving into...
by Sheridan Semple | Feb 28, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
March has the continued powerful theme of Venus and Mars together again, along with Pluto and Vesta in the mix. We’re getting a serious call to do our Sacred Marriage work within, cultivating union between our Feminine and Masculine aspects. At the end of February,...
by Sheridan Semple | Feb 21, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
If you’ve been outside in the early morning recently, you’ve definitely seen Venus. If it’s been really early you may have seen Mars as well. I love the backdrop of Antares and Vega in a wide frame to this get-together. Perhaps, you’ve been blessed with a Mercury...
by Sheridan Semple | Feb 2, 2022 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
February kicks off on the heels of Venus moving into the crown chakra. The crescent Moon meeting with Venus, in the morning sky on January 29, signals this shift. If you were able to see the conjunction, it was a visual and spiritual treat. Each month when the waning...
by Sheridan Semple | Jan 19, 2022 | Astrology
The cycle started January 14 Let’s continue our exploration into this important cycle that began a few days ago. Part 1 is available HERE. Venus started her new 584-day (or 19 month) cycle on January 14. The cycle begins when Venus rises in the Morning Sky, ahead of...
by Sheridan Semple | Jan 17, 2022 | Astrology
It’s starting right now! Venus represents the Sacred Feminine in Shamanic Astrology. This is true of both Venuses – the planet and the Goddess. Both have had many names throughout history. The first written record we have is of the Goddess Inanna, Queen of...
by Sheridan Semple | Dec 28, 2021 | Aromatherapy, Astrology
January is all about Venus and the Sacred Feminine. Venus ends one year and a half long cycle and begins the next. Capricorn is the archetype of the new cycle, infusing the Divine Feminine with the deep spiritual knowledge of our wise-woman energy. Venus moves from...