Meditation Made Easy

Meditation Made Easy

You probably feel like you should meditate, but do you skip it because it’s just too hard? Who can sit still for 5 minutes, let alone 20 or 30? I get it because I used to struggle meditating as well. I have found ways to make it easier, so I want to share them with...
Weight Gain in Menopause

Weight Gain in Menopause

Just tried on my new ski pants, size 10, and they’re uncomfortably tight! What happened to being a 6 Tall? Granted that was probably a nicotine-induced skinniness, but geez, size 10 ski pants cut off my circulation when I get into a tuck skiing. Harsh! Let’s talk...
Flu Fighters

Flu Fighters

I saw in the newspaper last week that the flu has officially arrived in Aspen, so I thought let’s talk flu fighters (not Foo Fighters) today! How do we protect ourselves and boost our immune systems to kick the flu’s behind before it kicks our butts?...
Cravings As Clues

Cravings As Clues

Cravings can rule our lives! We’ll be going along fine, minding our own business and then wham-o, some food, drug, drink, etc. comes into our attention and we’re off to the races full on craving that thing. Sometimes it’s manageable and other times it’s obsessive and...