May Astrology & Aromatherapy

May Astrology & Aromatherapy

I was going to start by writing that we finally have a mellower month astrologically, but May begins with the opening of eclipse season. That blows mellow out of the water! The time between the solar eclipse on April 30 and the lunar eclipse on May 15 is a powerful...
March Astrology & Aromatherapy

March Astrology & Aromatherapy

March has the continued powerful theme of Venus and Mars together again, along with Pluto and Vesta in the mix. We’re getting a serious call to do our Sacred Marriage work within, cultivating union between our Feminine and Masculine aspects. At the end of February,...
Dance of Venus and Mars

Dance of Venus and Mars

If you’ve been outside in the early morning recently, you’ve definitely seen Venus. If it’s been really early you may have seen Mars as well. I love the backdrop of Antares and Vega in a wide frame to this get-together. Perhaps, you’ve been blessed with a Mercury...
February Astrology & Aromatherapy

February Astrology & Aromatherapy

February kicks off on the heels of Venus moving into the crown chakra. The crescent Moon meeting with Venus, in the morning sky on January 29, signals this shift. If you were able to see the conjunction, it was a visual and spiritual treat. Each month when the waning...
January Astrology & Aromatherapy

January Astrology & Aromatherapy

January is all about Venus and the Sacred Feminine. Venus ends one year and a half long cycle and begins the next. Capricorn is the archetype of the new cycle, infusing the Divine Feminine with the deep spiritual knowledge of our wise-woman energy. Venus moves from...
Astrology & Aromatherapy

Astrology & Aromatherapy

Using plant spirit medicine for your astrology chart All too often we go to an astrologer, have this incredible, mind-blowing, life-affirming experience and then forget the gist of it within weeks. We lose the connection to how we’re going to implement this new...
December Astrology & Aromatherapy

December Astrology & Aromatherapy

A big month astrologically rounds out 2020. No surprise there. The Moon continues it’s monthly cycle around the zodiac, illuminating and bringing energy and focus to all the celestial players: the Big 3 (Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto conjunction), Chiron and Mars in...