December Astrology & Aromatherapy

December Astrology & Aromatherapy

A big month astrologically rounds out 2020. No surprise there. The Moon continues it’s monthly cycle around the zodiac, illuminating and bringing energy and focus to all the celestial players: the Big 3 (Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto conjunction), Chiron and Mars in...
Venus Going Retrograde

Venus Going Retrograde

Venus went retrograde early this morning. What does that mean? Is that like Mercury retrograde? How could it affect you? What does Venus retrograde mean? Venus, of course, is still moving forward. She doesn’t stop and suddenly reverse course. Retrograde means...
Scorpio Full Moon

Scorpio Full Moon

It’s the Full Moon early Thursday morning, so look to see it in all its glory on Wednesday night. The full moon’s in Scorpio this month, which is the quintessential full moon archetype. Scorpio is all about intensity, living on the edge, and going a little...